Your first car's story in one paragraph

My first car in 1964...Bright red with big silver wires' £75 I paid for it...Wish I still had it, be worth a bit more than that now, but I sold it to make way for something more sensible..


  • 1937 MG TA AA.jpg
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My first car in 1964...Bright red with big silver wires' £75 I paid for it...Wish I still had it, be worth a bit more than that now, but I sold it to make way for something more sensible..

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You have piqued my interest? MG? Jag? Austin Healey?
1937 MG TA...It sounded and looked great, but had a nasty habit of trying to swap ends in the wet......(I'd just finished rebuilding it in the photo)...

Nice. My dad and his best mate were MG owners for many years. They had either 1950s Magnette saloons or MGB GTs.
'A' reg. Leaf Green Vauxhall Chevette. Looked more like MOD olive drab and my mates used to day that if I rolled the car into a field, they'd never find me unless I landed on the roof! Great gearbox on the thing - could almost 'ping' the stick into gear. When the paintwork got a bit ropey my ruddy faither hand-brushed it dark green Hammerite! :icon_eek:
A Matra/Simca that I bought second hand off a squaddie in Germany in 1979. It was 2 tone brown coloured (3 tone brown if you included the rust) but it got me to blighty and back on many occasions. One side window could be wound down with the winder, but had to be man handled back up again. Long gone but not forgotten.
'Bertha' the Bedford Rascal. £750 in about 1993. HWMOM bought it whilst I was having lessons....end of first lesson with instructor who finally got me through 3rd test, he said 'Well, you're not a natural driver'. Lovely man though, and I'm sure he swelled with pride when I passed; quite an achievement. HWMOM used to be the official driver whilst I practised in Bertha. He had passed his test as a very young man, but living in London, never had a car since. Talk about white water rafting, I can remember his hands clutching the passenger seat and his white knuckles as I practised all over the country.
Bertha was already an elderly van way back then. She had gaps in the front so that in winter your legs would get frozen as icy air rushed in; no music, no heater, and so light you really felt she would blow away at high speeds (69mph with a high whine) or the slightest breeze. But I well remember the day at 34yrs of age when I passed my test and came home and took Bertha out for my first solo spin.
This about sums it up
A white Hillman Imp which was actually a Singer Chamois (it had a false grille and double headlights). KNT 247F. The choke was a lever on the floor instead of a pull rod on the dashboard, the was an 875cc engine in the boot, and a bonnet with a spare tyre underneath. My dad bought it for me for £100, I had it for 4 years and sold it for... £100. During that time I learned to drive in it, never had a lesson except off my dad, failed my first test and passed my second, the bonnet rusted so I cleaned it and painted it red, we had the engine out three times for repairs. I hated and loved that car.

Ahh the good old choke, I was talking cars with my son the other day (11). He was asking about what cars I've had and that reminded me about the Choke on it. So I then had to explain how and why to him, his reply "cool" !!! Oh dear !!
1971 Hillman Avenger - absolute bucket of shite. Scrapped it and got a Triumph Herald 13/60 with a full length Webasto roof - bucket of shite but bags of character. Sold it and it caught fire at a petrol station.
My first car was a Red Citroen Visa II Super E - the E is important, it means "Engine" not a flat-twin gerbil-powered treadmill. It ran like a sewing-machine (which doesn't refer to use of the pedals, if you remember what Granny's old Singer was like) and was amazingly aerodynamic, at least with the wind dead astern. It took me all over bits of Northern Ireland, was roomy enough for me and six mates if the ones in the back were very very friendly, and had fully reclining seats at the front that let me and my then fiancée get even more friendly, enuff said and draw a vail over the proceedings eh Molesworth 2? But - there's always a but - something started going wrong with the piston rings so that they unseated, turned aggressively abrasive and over the course of about six weeks ground themselves out of a tight fit and sent me into several noisy ones. The car was returned to the dealer where after a lot of "not our fault" / "yes it is" and especially since I'd paid extra for an extended warranty (it had pinched at the time but boy was I glad I'd done it) they took it back for a 75% refund (!) This went towards a Talbot Sunbeam bought from someone else, and yes, I paid for the extended warranty there, too.
1989 1.6 vauxhall Astra GL.. Bought to practice in while I was learning. Utterly rust ridden heap. Sat on the driveway slowly dying until I sold it for £50 on ebay

The manual choke... nostalgia we don't need.