Your best shave razor?

No one has ever accused these blokes of being polite. Intelligible, sometimes, when they're not waxing poetic about their favourite fragrance house, and sniffing their wrists. I'd be careful if I were you, there are Geordies among them.
Intelligible, sometimes, when they're not waxing poetic about their favourite fragrance house, and sniffing their wrists.

Well you are right of course about most members being on the sissie boy side of things, and you're describing the 'Scarlet Pimpernel' affectation they seem to have. Some of em even say something like "Strike me down!" after huffing some snuff. Only that one side of the character though. Very brave of you to bring that up, although it's pretty much common knowledge.

Good post I thought,


Oh that what you were talking about? If that wasn't it then never mind.
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The difference with us is we can take what we dish out and crack on.

No apologies, no blaming, complaining or explaining.

Really Vinnie? You seem pretty serious here, but really?

Envision many other forum members nodding their heads in agreement with my previous sentence. Ok, maybe not many at all, if any.

It's crazy/zany/wacky talk from you.

I hope this silly post doesn't intrude on your inner sense of reality,

I don't particularly go for the nostalgia of vintage razors and prefer well-executed, modern razors with clean lines that are efficient and made of materials that are easy to maintain. The ones that tick all the boxes for me are Above The Tie razors and a Mongoose that I've only just started putting through its paces. I have a feeling I would like a Wolfman too, but I haven't had the opportunity to try one so far.
I know I'm about to whack the hornet's nest, but I really didn't find that the ATT really were that much better at cutting stubble than my Merkurs. The R2 wasn't as aggressive as my R41, the S1 was no smoother than the 39c, the 38c is nicely mid-aggressive and closed comb, and the Progressive can be anything you want it to be. Is it the design of the old-school razors that capture the attention? I wasn't overly impressed by the handle styles of the genre.

Just love this stuff!