You think your government are bad

So the Banks were underwritten by the govt and the govt gets its money from the taxpayer and the taxpayer IS the Irish people. They may not be the ones who've mucked up but the bailout is for them, even if it just goes up the foodchain to the govt and then to the banks.

I think the reason the govt spent so long saying that they didn't need a bail-out is that they were hoping the banks would deal directly with the IMF/EU/whoever and cut out the "middle man" of the govt. Why the govt decided to guarantee the banks is the big question. That's public money underwriting private investments. It's a winner for the banks: any profits and gain are theirs, but any losses are made good by Joe Public. Like going into a bookies and either winning or (in the event of your horse not coming in) getting your stake back.

But banks are "too big to fail" . . . and countries aren't - or can't.

The whole system is rotten, a pyramid scheme or a house of cards.
For a country that is pulling its purse strings in due to the previous F**kwits exploits, how are we justifying these huge amounts of bail outs. We didn't want the Euro but all we seem to be doing is bailing out every other corrupt/irrisponsable tw*t that welcomed it with open arms.

Give money to Southern Ireland, yes, take it out of the disproportionately huge amount of money we already pay in to bloody Europe.

What gets me is, if we go to the wall, who will be queuing up to bail us out. NO FU*KER...!!!!!!

Er, we aren't giving them anything it is a commercial loan, albeit a big bugger.

You are right about the exploits of the previous Prime Mentalist, Broon - whose book is published today - who did so much to destroy our economy, our pension schemes, sold the gold, gave millions (we didn't have) to Africa, et cetera....

Yes but wouldn't it be better to use that commercial loan to pay some our commercial loans.
JohnnyO said:
"The more things change, the more they are the same". Courtesy of Alphonse Karr.

JohnnyO,. :?

"I saw a charity appeal in the Guardian the other day, and it read "Little Zuki has to walk 13 miles a day just to fetch water". And I couldn't help thinking, she should move". Courtesy of Jimmy Carr
That'll be the same Jimmy Carr who said we'd have a f ***ing great paralympic team because of all the amputee serviceman coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of course it was that wall street puppet Reagan who started it all, right Blyth?
I heard a news report saying something along the lines of it being about £3000 per capita that the Irish spend on UK products and services, so basically we are loaning them money to buy our stuff, now that kind of makes commercial sense :mrgreen:

At the end of the day, we shouldn't be in it as deep as we are but we had an administration which claimed to have brought an end to "Boom and Bust" so believed that it could spend like shit because it was supposed to be a never ending growth cycle. :roll:
Blyth Spirit said:
In the immortal words of the late great Ronald Reagan...

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

They certainly scared the shit out of me when he was president... I had family living in Canada not far from Niagara - there was a treaty between the US & Canada to build a bridge across the borders... the Canadians duly built their half. The Americans stopped because Reagan pulled the funding on it... left the Canadians with a 6-lane pier.
antdad said:
That'll be the same Jimmy Carr who said we'd have a f ***ing great paralympic team because of all the amputee serviceman coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of course it was that wall street puppet Reagan who started it all, right Blyth?

That's the man.
One of our biggest banks AIB which has been bailed out by the Irish tax payer , 3.5 billion euro and is looking for more ,has announced that they are paying bonuses to 2,400 of their execs worth 40 million euro.
They really don't give a toss
Damian Murphy said:
One of our biggest banks AIB which has been bailed out by the Irish tax payer , 3.5 billion euro and is looking for more ,has announced that they are paying bonuses to 2,400 of their execs worth 40 million euro.
They really don't give a toss

That is shocking.