You know you have a good one when...

Escaping Santa Mira...
I succumbed to temptation last night and bought BigBoars ATT Kronos, whilst I was sorting out the PayPal payment, the wife walks in,sees £150,and asks what I am buying... I tell her, and add how well made it is, how I will be able to leave this razor to the grandchildren, blah, blah, blah!,and do you know what she said?,"thats not bad, I bet one of those £300 Phillishaves from Argos won't last that long"!, I was well surprised, but seeing as I have already spent about £200 this month on vintages and sundries, I was in a state of shock!. It's times like that I know why I put a ring on her finger!.
Yeah! She is Nico!, another thing, when she was hunting down a b/day present for me a few weeks back, she came across the lady blue Gillette, and she was desperate for one!, luckily, Tall_Paul had one for sale on here, so I dutifully got it for her. The funny thing is, she doesn't want to use the canned goo now, she wants a nice rose seated cream!!!.
GFT rose sounds good Greg , but I think I will donate my old synthetic wilky brush to her instead of a new brush... Sheesh!, I don't love her That much!.... LOL!. OK, I give in!, I'll give her my Kent 'wet is best' brush instead, and see if she will go for me having a Simpson Tubby 2, so we don't get them mixed up of course...cough!,cough!.lol!.