You just couldn't make it up...

I think this is one of the saddest things I have ever heard - what a terrible affliction - I feel incredibly sorry for this person, and I think that anyone who laughs at this is an utter cad.
Apparently it is called Corpophillia - a condition in which the victims become stimulated by ejecta.
Some experts say that it is caused by inadequate potty training.
Makes one feel grateful just to be a ordinary normal pervert like everybody else.
Pig Cat said:
So wanking in a pile of horse shit is wrong? OK, another one to add to my list... :?

Right there is a perfect example of why I'm on here more than the other sites.

Post that on B&B and your post is deleted, you get banned, your PC explodes and the Old Bill come and kick your back door in . . . oo er missus.
OK. Shagging slurry and interfering with horses is definitely not on. I'm absolutely clear about both these things. Now is there anything else I should know to keep me out of trouble?