Yes! This Yank eats Haggis

Ah me, the Cowal Gathering, Count. I've wrestled there, worked there, and still count the shiver down my spine as one of the greatest experiences when, at the close of the last day as the sun sets, the march of the 1,000 Pipers heads down from the field to the jetty. Unbeatable !

JohnnyO. o/
I remember my first trip North o' the Wall ......... Had a few days CCTV installation work on the Erskine Bridge Hotel; working up on the roof, no less ....... and what a bloody view it was!

Notable on that trip, was my taking the Arfur' Bliss about Haggis and Chips on the menu as we walked into a chippy that was practically in the middle of nowhere ....... And what was the first thing on the menu? ...... That shut me up.

Also notable was the fact that, that far North, the hotel girls thought I was Irish ......... Which ...... well ........ It worked
Enjoyed a great haggis dinner in a place called Craigellachie also worth a visit is the bar with hundreds of bottles on the shelves sort of a whisky reference tasting library.