Yep, Simpsons all round - on me!!

I have just retrieved the following email, which for some reason had been marked as spam by my email filter, good job i checked or else!!!

Date: 14 May 2010 20:44:49 GMT+01:00
To: undisclosed recipients: ;

Hello, I have paid the delivery fees for your cheque and all the necessary arrengement has made WITH SPEED TRUST COMPANY and manager of ecobank told me that the cheque will expire before getting to you. so i told him to cash the $2.5 million and deposited the cash with speed trust company .now contact the speed company with this information below CONTACT PERSON;DR ANDY LORD,Email;(<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->),Telephone;,+229-931-556-95-Fax +229-967-016-22 Send your Name, your full Address,your Telephone number and copy of Your picture,Regards Mr,JOHN PAUL
I used to get offers of inside stock market information, hundreds of them. Since I changed to a different account, I haven't had a single item of spam in over two years
I got £4.5 million pounds transferred to my bank account by a Nigerian businessman last year. I didn't see fit to mention it here because I thought lots of people are now millionaires these days from this kind of transaction. Surely there must be some other TSR members who got rich this way? :?

By the way, I'm loving my new lifestyle. Claire Grogan's popping over this afternoon to give me a back rub. :hungrig

I do hope you're going to reciprocate with a front rub, and see if she's still good a keepy upy.

It was me that had to be good at keepy uppy, if you see what I mean! Yes? Gettit?? You know, as in keeping 'it' up?? :roll:

I'll get my cape.
Everyone's crazy for Claire! Are you a member of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- w -->? Lots of facts and tips, very similar to our own forum really. Even a section on soap or cream. See you there...