Yaqi G4 Synths

Yaqi have some new synths, what I presume are their G4 knots?

There's one with a marble handle,


And another one


Has anyone placed an order yet?
Yaqi have some new synths, what I presume are their G4 knots?

There's one with a marble handle,


And another one


Has anyone placed an order yet?
That Atlantis is awesome :love: I've resisted so far as - shock horror - I'm really happy with the two Yaqi synths I've purchased already and am diverting funds to other shaving frippery that I equally don't need:rolleyes:
Fellas, unless YaQi is playing with knot colors again those look like older gen. Plissoft knots! :unsure:

BM, AKAIK the G4 fibre is not the same used the Plissoft.

The G4 fibre as much as I know was developed specifically for shaving knots, and I do not know a huge amount about G4 fibres but I think after use the knot is supposed to retain their shape better than other ones.

I've not used a G4 knot so I can't comment. Does anyone here with G4 knots provide any summary to their performance?

FWIW, if I was in the market for another synth (which I'm not right now) I'd be most inclined for one of the new PAA synths, they are priced well, have nice looking handles and the knots look to be of the same quality as the ones used by APShaveCo according to Boycie of The Soap Emporium.
Personally I've not enjoyed any of the G4 knots I've tried. The ones I've tried from Frank Shaving and DSCosmetic I found too springy and scritchy. I think the "older" style fibres you get in knots from APShaveco and the classic Yaqi brushes are much nicer to use.
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