

I'm so glad that Vinny posted that it all went over his head because I thought that I was the only person left on the planet who knows nothing about all these 'new ways' of watching TV and movies.

My son was trying to explain it to me yesterday afternoon after I had had malt before lunch, Burgundy with main course followed by pudding wine and then port. I started to loose the will to live and nearly 'nodded off', he obviously thought I was an ignorant old bugger but didn't actually say so. He suggested I should get up to speed on new TV technologies. With heaven knows how many channels of crap on freeview how much more does a man need! Thank heaven for my DAB radio!

That's just it Dick, content on freeview is generally crap so there is a demand to find alternatives to watch precisely what you want and when.
Agree with antdad on this, instead of watching piles of crap on freeview waiting for something interesting to come on, just find something you want to watch and press play. It's a bit of a fiddle at times but you're not paying the monthly subscriptions that netflix/lovefilms take so it's sort of worth it, makes you feel you're getting something for nothing, everybody likes that.
XMBC seems to much of a faff for the few mins I get the tv to myself after the kids and wife have finished with it.

I stream Showbox and Mobdro from my phone via Chromecast. Works well enough for me.
I've been using XBMC on the Raspberry pi, which cost around £25, with £3 for the MPEG unlocking code. A raspberry pi has a really good mpeg decoder in hardware, but for Raspberry pi foundation they see that as an extra that would bump the cost of their device up for those who just want to use it for educational purposes. It's a licensing thing. Anyhow, it's worked amazingly. I have the media stored on another box, but the pi is upstairs attached to the telly in the bedroom. Got a remote control from eBay, that was inexpensive too.

Just didn't want a full blown computer in the bedroom, the pi is awesome, now you can get one twice as capable for the same sum, but with 1G of RAM. MS have said you can have Windows 10 for the Raspberry PI for free, "why bother" methinks, raspbmc is already free and does a fine job!
some of my list
aaa live tv
cartoon hd
playlist loader running pooky sports
Phoenix is working really well for me, any new kids on the block regarding add ons?