Would you pay £140 for a Fatboy??

I saw one on eBay today that had got to £175 before it ended, can't find it in completed listings though

The one I spotted was listed as unused, in original box and with what looked like original blades. If I'd had £175 to throw around I might have had a punt, as it is I'm now more likely to keep my eye out for one with worn plating and get it reconditioned.
No I wouldn't pay £140, but there will be those who will - an item is worth every penny of what a person is willing to pay for it... to that person.

I only hope when people buy these they don't do so to try to get more at a later date - these are meant to be used & whether I've paid £5 or £75 for any of my razors, they all get used & only sold on if I genuinely cannot get on with them

We both need to get out more as I too have wondered about this, especially as you see a lot of Slims going for relatively low prices, yet as soon as you add the word 'Fatboy' the price shoots up.

Forgive my ignorance, but aren't they effectively the same razor but with different handles?
I have both a Fatboy & a Slim, so my comments are based on just looking at & using them - not the more technical answer others may provide.

Yes, the handle is the main difference, the Fatboy has a genuinely chunky handle which I love, it is also cosmetically different having a 'shiny' top third of the TTO knob rather than the slim. If I had to choose one, I would probably pick the Fatboy, as it sits really nice in my hand, and provides a nice solid grip. As for shaving, there is really no difference in them, I use both on No. 9, and get a close shave from either. So, I guess you're right - very similar razors aparrt from the handle!
We both need to get out more as I too have wondered about this, especially as you see a lot of Slims going for relatively low prices, yet as soon as you add the word 'Fatboy' the price shoots up.

Forgive my ignorance, but aren't they effectively the same razor but with different handles?

There are the obvious differences .............
The handle length & diameter
The TTO knob has knurling all the way up on the Slim and has a plain bit on the top of the Fatboy.
The knurling on the adjustment ring is different on each razor.
But the main difference is the head geometry, the Fatboy has the older style domed head and the Slim has the later flatter head.
Gillette changed the heads on the Flare Tips about the same time as the slim came out.
Also the Fatboy had a shorter run 1958 to 1961 and Slim 1961 to 1968.
I have owned about 8 Fatboy's and most are now gone, everyone was different but I could not find one I liked, (Dodgey AKA Marvin had the same problem).
Shame Gillette did not stay with the prototype design as that is a great razor to use.