Would You Ever Buy "Brand" Shaving Creams/Gels?

Gairdner said:

Apart from that, Boot's Shave Bowl is great stuff and I'd be happy to use either of these two for eternity. Palmolive smells like a sweaty tramp mingled with a John Lewis perfume counter.

What it is to have such a varied experience life, I have only met sweaty tramps and John Lewis perfume counters separately never commingled.
Truly Alba is a seething mass of Bohemian frivolity.

I was that sweaty champ,
Into John lewis I did tramp
I smelt worse than shite,
Nearly caused a fight,
But the perfume lass,
Ne'er to let a sale pass,
Turned my odour rather camp.

It's not a limerick, it's a Gairdnerick.......:icon_rolleyes:

And why are you using Parwin's avatar?

Crabtree & Evelyn could be considered a 'brand' if you have a stockist nearby. I was not too impressed with their shaving cream as it breaks down too easily, and their soap did not lather too well either.

L'Occitane could also be a brand if there is local stockist.

Boots shaving stick is good, as is Erasmic. I've got a Wilkinson Sword soap bowl, but I'll wait and see how that goes when I get to it.

I do like Dove face scrub and wash.
Gairdner said:
Very pretty, so ye are. Mind, I bet ye'd be a damn sight worse without yer make up. Oof!

I think it was the beard wot did it - now I shave there's a lot less screaming.
Though I stopped wearing the authentic costume at the same time so...

There might be other explanations...
I wasn't impressed with their aftershave balm either and I wouldnt recommend to anyone unless you only want to use an aftershave balm as perfume.