Worst shaving injury


I'm all squeamed out!! :mrgreen:

Nothing major - yet, but I nicked the edge of my nose a few weeks back. With a mild razor, I find I can just trim my nasal hair with the corner/edge of the blade. I absent-mindedly tried it with a Gillette New, which was more aggressive than I was expecting, and I think it caught the edge of my nose between two teeth of the comb. First time I've used my styptic pencil in anger... Painful for a few days.
Tried shaving like that german guy on youtube only faster, sure got a shave but a fair bit of damage for it.

And worse i was using a gold dollar

Nothing much, the odd scratch here and there over the years but no permanent disfigurement. Cuts from a straight are rare nowadays (touch wood) and they clear up in no time.
huxley said:
Tried shaving like that german guy on youtube only faster, sure got a shave but a fair bit of damage for it.

And worse i was using a gold dollar

Oh..........that's not so bad. Yeah, should heal right up by later today.

How was that? Believeable at all? Yeah, probably not.

Ok, here's some advice I don't normally mention, but this may be a good time. I'll give you a list of 'handy' items to have in easy reach during your shave. These are all used to either remove any red spots, or help stop the bleeding, and are mentioned from least to most drastic.

1. Spit ona finger and rubbed around the red spot till it disappears.
2. Cold water rinse
3 Styptic pencil or something similar that burns like a bastard.
4. Superglue
5. Sutures
6. Tourniquet ( for straight shavers mostly)

Hope that helps,

Dr. Marty
Currently got a cut just below my left ear, a smidge under the jaw-line. Did it with the very sharp point on my little 3/8 Bengall after I'd re-honed it on my newly-lapped coticule. Prior to the lapping, the point had been left dull after honing whilst the rest of the razor was very sharp. I rather forgot about the lethally sharp point and it dug in and gave me a 1/2 cut. Didn't bleed much and stopped with a dab of styptic.

The problem is that I keep slicing off the scab and opening it up a little again with each subsequent shave, so it's a bit slower in healing!

Other than a few previous cuts like that around the chin line that have left fine scars (slicing yourself whilst you're stretching the skin does tend to open things up a bit worse than normal!), I've not yet done too much damage (touches wood!)
Hmm...the worst injury I have had seems to be to my wallet. It has been cut completly open and no amount of styptic pencils seems to be stemming the steady flow of cash straight into shaving products :mrgreen: . Never mind, I'll just have to learn to live with it. :shave
Most serious injury, so far for me, is that my bank account bled to death through my wallet and paypal...

    • Hey - it wasn't too healthy to begin with, so it was a fairly quick death.
        • ... still I am mourning for its loss.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
My worst injury is non facial related. I had my DE with me whilst camping. I was in the shower block I had shampoo in my hair and it was running into my eyes, I needed to find my little bottle of shower gel in my bag... without looking, I shoved my hand into my bag, still squinting and trying to stop the shampoo going into my eyes. I felt a sharp pinch, but didn't think anything of it. As I pulled my hand out there was blood running all over my hand. The skin was flapping about like a mofo. I continued to finish my shower with blood spilling around everywhere.
I've still got the scar and it was on the worst possible place. The cute was right on the tip of my middle finger but sliced pretty deep. Every time I tried to open a tent zip, or hold something (I'm right handed) I could feel it reopening...

Nothing too serious on my face yet. But once, before my DE days I was a little worse for wear on a Sunday morning and using one of those 5 blade gillete razor heads, tried to shave. I went to shave my upper lip, totally misjudged the distance and ended up with 5 thing lines right on my nose across the nostrils... stayed tehre for a good couple of days and I looked like a right moron!
I used to have an electric shaver that used to give me more nicks and ( minor ) cuts than I've ever had DE shaving..........
Worst accident I recieved was when I was mowing the lawn and I cut through the power supply cable, I then did the thing you would only see on a Laurel & Hardy film, that's if Laurel & Hardy had electric mowers, for some reason or other I picked up what I thought was the non power severed end of the cable, but it was the still attached to the mains end going to the house, wait for it, then I proceded to strip a wire with my teeth. :shock: yes you can imagine what my face looked like, and I lived to fight another day.


Do you still need to shave? Did the "electrolysis" succeed in stopping the hair growth?