Worst shaving injury

Hitchin, Herts
After my disaster of a morning I was wondering what injuries you've inflicted on yourself through mishandling your shaving gear?

Up until today I'd only had the odd tiny facial nick. Then this morning, while still bleary eyed I started my shave to find that the blade felt a bit dull and draggy. Cue an early morning rushed blade change, which I've always been careful to avoid. I unwrapped the blade clumsily and it somehow sprang firmly against my middle finger. I'd cut right into the side of the nailbed down to the bone. Took 15 minutes of direct pressure and elevation to stop the bleeding.

I won't ever change blades again unless I'm concentrating. Lesson learned.

Over to you.
That made me wince! Hope it clears up ok.

My worst is when I misjudged my first attempt at a j hook. Have a small scar at the top of my cheek
Large 300ml bottle of Tabac AS toppled out of bathroom cabinet...

lucky I could rely on my silky but dormant football skills to get me out of trouble...

still got it me thinks...

knocked it up and into cast iron bath where it promptly smashed. Ouch and extractors on.
Don't want to tempt fate but nothing too serious yet! The worst was changing hands with a straight and not looking what I was doing, my thumb was a little further along than I thought :roll:
No injuries per se... I did manage to get a bit of alum dust in my eye after I dropped an alum block and it exploded (as they do) with the impact on the edge of the sink as I bent down to try and catch the major fissile part. Stung like bastards that did.
Definitely the cut on my chin with the Non-folding Feather AC Razor. I did it weeks and weeks ago, but there's still a scar.

I've had two or three nice long cuts from my straight. None of them took more than a week or so to disappear. The most annoying injury was from a DE when I sliced an already lumpy bit of skin and it healed a bit bigger. I sliced that and it healed even bigger. It took some time for it to subside with some careful manoeuvres around it.
I was still green with a straight, as indeed I still am, but I was at that dangerous stage when I was starting to get confident. I was experimenting one Sunday with blade and and so on and all of a sudden it digs in (hint: what does a bad workman blame?) and I have a deep cut on my cheek which looks like a Germany fencing scar. Four months later the scar is fading but the memory isn't!
Nothing chin related but I did have a nasty injury to my head once.

As you can guess by the above, I shave my head. A while back, in the evening, I was due to play in a snooker competition and was waiting for a friend to pick me up. I decided that I had enough time to quickly give my bonce a going over with my new headblade! It was going OK until I felt the headblade catch, followed by a sudden pain and blood coming down the side of my face.

Half an hour later, when my mate came to the door, I still hadn't stopped the bleeding and had resorted to wearing a beeny hat with some kitchen roll under it, over the now plastered cut, and I played by match with my head still bleeding at a decent rate, with me going to the gents between frames to check up on it.

I won my match 5-1.....and it was also the last time I used a headblade!

It's very rare for any weepers or spots of red to be left after I finish shaving, and almost all mistakes have been user error related. However, there's a few razors that don't fit me well, and will leave a couple red marks no matter how careful I am. No, these aren't extremely aggressive ones, but rather they present the blade to my face at a bad angle that no technique tweaking will help overcome.

Saying that, the worst bloodletting occured a few years ago when using a razor I'm quite familiar with (the Kirby). Through not paying attention (and not a little hubris), I managed to catch the end of the blade on my chin and I somehow managed to quickly dig out two nice divots at the same time. This was in an area I never ever cut myself, and I was pretty surprised at the damage I'd done.

Heh, forget about that liquid styptic (My Nic is Sealed) doing any good. Those damn cuts bled for a looong time and took a good week to heal up. That's exactly what I deserved for not paying more atention to detail.


Sounds nasty, I hate scraping anything down my nails and cutting into the nail bed sounds like a nightmare to me.

My worst facial injury was with with a freshly honed straight from Neil Miller coupled with an over zealous shave after a few that went good and deluded me into thinking that this straight shaving was a doddle. I sliced a pimple clean off below the pimple line, I didn't feel a thing till the soap got in but boy did it bleed and I still have a small scar to this day. Worst non facial injury was trying to adjust a Futur with soapy hands; the head slipped out of my grip and twisted, as it did it just went right through my index finger like it wasn't there. again lots of blood but not that sore. I held the cut closed tightly and it sealed quite quickly.

It seems razor blade cuts are not the worst, they are so sharp that they can be sealed with minimum scarring, I have had worse scars from cuts from a tin can which seem to tear their way through the skin.

Still these things you only tend to do once and bet Canuk will not do that again. Maybe something else mad but not that
Sliced about 4mm into my tragus (that knobble in front your lug 'ole) with a straight razor. Bled a bit, but healed up before I'd even finished the shave.

Wasn't there a fella (ex-SAS) who got half his face torn off by a lion during a publicity stunt involving Bluebeard's shaving cream?
joe mcclaine said:
Wasn't there a fella (ex-SAS) who got half his face torn off by a lion during a publicity stunt involving Bluebeard's shaving cream?

If he'd have gone to our Med Centre (a. if it was open & b. if he had made an appointment at least a week before he was due to have an accident), they would have given him 2 x bruffies, some tubi-grip and told him to wear a condom next time.
Audiolab said:
It seems razor blade cuts are not the worst, they are so sharp

You're right, I think a jagged cut is far worse. This one hardly hurt at all, I hear that the nerves get cut cleanly which means very little pain. It bled like a running tap mind you.
And yes, it's a learning experience, I can't see it happening again.
Wifey lol'ed. :lol:
I'd only been DE shaving for a few days when I acquired a Merkur Futur that promptly launched a most ferocious and completely unprovoked attack on my ear. :shock:

I finished off the shave with very red lather, rinsed off and immediately had a red face, to my surprise a styptic match stopped the flow dead! I'm careful when I am shaving near my ears now!