Worst Place to Get Stung - Nostril Or Penis?

In your ear!

You can get it off your penis, snort it out your nose, but boy it difficult to get out your ear!!!

The young lad said to me once "Dad, what's that bit called between your penis and bum"?

"I've no idea. Why"?

"I've just been stung there"

He was about 13 at the time and I forgot to ask him to score the pain from 1 to 10!!!!!!
Wouldn't want either. I've never been allergic to bee stings but.. Flashback to last year on Florida . In Orlando at one of the water parks. On a lazy river type float ride/swim. The one with heated water and you float along a stream with usually only your head and neck out of the water.
You/I got it! Must have been a bee floating in the water. Stung me in the neck right next to the artery!! Wow. Pain, started to feel a little woozy. The lifeguard helped me out and up to the 1st aid station where they took the stinger out. No shot, just a topical but felt the effects for a couple of hours. Wouldn't want to thing what it would have been like if it hit the artery!!(;-(