World Championship of Ping Pong ???

New Forest, England.
Anyone been watching this?

It's said to be table tennis the old fashioned way with hard bats. With a £12000 first prize it looks like a consolation event for people who cannot make it at table tennis or who are well past their best at it. From what I've seen so far they seem a mixed bunch not remotely in the same class as the top table tennis players.

And why play only best of three sets up to 11? Matches are over very quickly. Most ordinary league table tennis matches are now played over 5 sets of up to 11.

All about money I guess. Time will tell.
I suppose it's a quick and cheap form of the sport to try and get kids interested and playing rather than thinking they need the latest rubber.

The "sandpaper" bats just reminded me of bats I used as as child, it might develop your touch but it isn't compelling, didn't watch either.