Working abroad blade gathering

Opinions of anyone who's tried 'em appreciated.
Malaysia - working but found places with "Gillette super Nacet" looks like super thind with crocodile on the front. "Zorrick super platinum" blue with white background" . "super -max platinum". The one down from but simOmar to super platinum that I really like.
Internet access is tricky so if you tried em abd worth the punt can you pm or reply ,as I get an email alert when the WiFi works, with a Yey or nay .
Tried a test blade of the zirricks which reaally wasn't awful at all and intrigued. Worst case is the BST gets new blades to try.
Cheers fellas
P.s lathering in humid places is hard!...godrej currently beats Crabtree and Evelyn morrocan soap I found!
Hi andy. I work in malaysia, in fact i am sat in the airport just about to travel there. The super nacets are ok blades you wont cut yourself with them. They are available almost everywhere. I found they rusted quickly if they did not dry in the humid conditions. Which annoyed me somewhat. Different supermax blades can be found in a few places but I did not like any that I have tried. They were very tuggy. Better stick with the super nacets.
If you are in KL there is a department store that sells wilkinson sword and astra blades. They used to have gillette 7 o'clock greens but they must have sold out. If you are interested i will find the name of that department store. They also sell godrej and tabac cream.
Hello Kevin just got your reply.
Thanks so much for that. Am over in penang but got to try the nacet today. For me excellent luckily. I can see why the blades would rust over here though . So humid .
Sadly will only find time for the airport so will keep my eye out. If you know any around my way will try to get to them. Could do with finding some Astra as I really enjoy them.
Shall keep the eyes peeled, but thanks so much for helping out.
P.s what the hell do you use which actually lathers over here!?