Wool fat soap

Has been disproved, will work in hard or soft water, its not the soap it's the user. Next.

Mythbusted, indeed ... by myself ... who, in fact noted that hard water faired better and left me jealous of folks with hard water. Our lovely soft water right here in West Yorkshire (home of MWF) can give an overly foamy first impression where hard water doesn't.

Smashing lather built on hard water ... in fact, I used the hardest water we could find on the forum.

I doubt the hand soap will lather well ... it's hand soap.
Well done on busting the myth, no the hand soap is just that but good stuff!

Wasn't there a secondary possible reason for differences in latherability? Water from different regions could contain different impurities which could affect it instead of just hard/soft water. Was that ever tested?
I remember you used water sent from different regions but did you successfully lather from water that couldn't be lathered by others in other regions?
It's shaving soap ... a damn good one, too. It lathers with water. Any water.

I came to the conclusion that it's the latherer that is the issue. Once you get it, you get it ... and there's no "ungetting" it. Like riding a bike. One day you can't, the next you can and from there you can never actually not ride a bike. Actually, I simply got it ... from day one. It worked from the off.

We could do a test with someone who can't get it to work for them and see if the waters make any difference, but I think the conclusion would be that they can't get a satisfactory lather from any water ... the mirror of my experience where I can, whatever the water.
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Easy as owt to lather, honestly, I just don't get all the daft blethering on. I like the scent but alas, it dries my face out a bit too much with repeated use else I'd have a big stock. Slicker than snail shit and more cushion than DFS! However, I am big fan of the bath soap - truly wonderful stuff!

Just ignore @Fergiebilly after all, the daft bugger doesn't like Ingram's either.....sheesh!

Hey..Frey Bentos..
