Womens Moisturiser?

I wonder how many of you guys on this site have been given hand me down Womens skin products by your Wife or Girlfriend, if like my Wife you other half as more skin products than Boots the chemist, well i'm a moisturising Man myself, and at present i'm using my Wifes Liz Earle Skin repair, and have always found the Womens moisturisers to be first class products, tell me what you think.

Since I believe mens' skins are generally coarser grained & oilier than the ladies, maybe buy yourself a guy's product & assure her that you're worth it ? In fact, tell her that you've been so impressed by how dew like her pearly skin is looking (gets younger every day dear) just say that she is your inspiration in that, as so many other ways !

(& don't, for goodness sake, let Vinny (not Joe) see posts like this.


All that faffing around. !!!!
I find Olay products are very good.
I use the night cream and the day cream which contain a UV blocking element.
I am getting on and I need all the help I can get.
Vaseline Intensive care on a two for one is huge value.
Slick said:
I find Olay products are very good.
I use the night cream and the day cream which contain a UV blocking element.
I am getting on and I need all the help I can get.
Vaseline Intensive care on a two for one is huge value.

Absolutely, these young whipper snappers, should start with the moisturising early in their careers, because they will get the big benefits when they pass the magical 50 barrier, as the gentleman said we need all the help we can get, I have a younger Brother who never uses moisturiser, and everbody thinks he's my older Brother, so keep up the moisturiser.

I have actually been using a number of moisturizers, and these were products that are normally used by women. I do not think there is much difference in a man using them, although indeed the skin types of males and females may differ.

I used to live in the south part of South Korea for 4 years and the winter there was extremely dry, humidity was between 11-18% tops from November to February. As I do not shave every day, most days there I had to use something, otherwise my face would literally crack occasionally. Being able to fly home or for business every couple of months I had the luck of going through all major Asian hubs and getting cosmetics at very good prices, the exchange rates (e.g. KRW to Eur) also helped a lot at the time.

One very good brand you can use, and not very expensive, is Jurlique. Australian made and (reportedly) 'biodynamic', they are more healthy to the skin and natural. They have three different moisturizers for the face, for example, from light to pretty thick for very dry skins. I have not tried this brand extensively, but I have heard good words and my mother spoke highly about it when I brought her a face moisturizer tube last year from S'pore.

On the cheap/low budget end, I do not normally have sampled many products apart from shaving/mens lines. Don't believe all the fuss about regenerating the skin and all that bs that women's cosmetics manufacturers say. A moisturizer is there to moisturize your skin and nothing more. You skin needs hydration and one of the ways achieving a constant supply of it is through the moisturizer. It will never replace a much more important factor, which is to drink plenty of water.

On the high/expensive end, I have been using a number of different products that a couple of South Korean manufacturers offer (Iope comes to mind). Since I would assume you'd be hard to get any of those, I'll say something about the brand I've been using most: La Mer. Cosmetics made primarily in the U.S., most of their line is highly rater and rightfully may I say so. Their 'star' moisturizer, 'Creme de LaMer', is a benchmark for the competition. At $236 duty free for a 60ml jar, it doesn't come cheap. Give it a try though, and then all the rest will seem not to work for you as this one does. Not all their products are as good as this, e.g. the lip balm is not worth the $45 (I think) duty free I paid, but some other items in the range are excellent (face wash gel comes to mind).

LaMer do have serums, eye creams, etc. from algae and stuff but then it gets too messy as you need to apply the moisturizer first, then the serum, etc. but (a) nobody has time for that, and (b) for around $400 their 75ml whatever extract serum is never going to make you wife's or your skin look much better. My sister has used these extensively and she tells me they do work provided you use the product uninterrupted for 2-3 months solid. Saying 'work' I mean they make you skin softer, smoother, more relaxed, etc. But when you stop using those and expose the face to the daily dirt, sun, polluted atmosphere we have in most big cities and if you also add stress and potential lack of sleep, then the skin will ultimately lose the 'freshness'. So it's like any other thing - regular maintenance needed, i.e. taking good care of daily, assisted by the use of good products.

Hope that helped. The guy who founded LaMer, by the way, was a Phd physicist who suffered a terrible burn in large part of his face, during experiments he was conducting in mid to late '30s (if I am not mistaken). Trying to find a proper cream that would assist him most heal the burns, he discovered that actually nothing so special and effective was available at the time. So he made the cream that today is LaMer's flagship product.

Hope that helped.


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I never said anything about drinking two litres a day, that's nuts. But you're right, the body will tell you when to drink, though sometimes I am busy and thirsty and put off having a drink for too long. I think this 2 litre thing is something perpetuated by bottled water manufacturers to sell more.