Wolfman WR1-OC

I've observed over time that impatience and wet shaving seem to go hand in hand. I can't recall exactly where I first observed this behavior but it may have been in a mirror.
Received my Wolfman OC yesterday afternoon and had my first shave this morning. Buttery smooth. I also got a custom WRH-1 handle sized at 13.5mm x 80mm, since I like a shorter handle. It's excellent. Superb grip. The wait is indeed long, but James's craftmanship is second to none, and he is a true gentleman. For those that are waiting to either receive or get on the list when it opens up again, hang in there. Your day will come.
You'll never know unless you try, they are both magnificent. The wolfman SB and OC stayed but the Mongoose left but that's only because I still prefer to use the blades in a Feather DX.
Well one thing to consider is that you can easily sell it if it's not for you, since these razors are in high demand. But I understand your sentiment. Glad the Mongoose works so well for you.
Well no I revoke what I said. Standard Gap is just perfect!

This proves to me to be one fine razor. Its so good to be able to shave more often From 72h to 48h

I was always taugh by my Father that being not clean shaven is just being untidy.

Brass is definetly my favourite material. Ohh I wish James could do one in Mokume

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Well i cant make my mind as it is better than Gillette NEW.

Wolfman gave me bad shave with Triton R3 but when same blade put into Gillette NEW No.77 BBS.

On other hand love it with London Bridge
I just noticed today that the Wolfman site has been updated and you can now subscribe to he newsletter.

Unfortunately this quote was added to the availability section:

"Taking orders again in 2016. Orders will resume at some point this year. New designs will be developed as well. The schedule is not clear at this time."
Mine went back to James for adjustment, but Royal Mail and/or Canada Post seem to have screwed it up. It's nowhere near him, Canada Post seem to know nothing about it, and the best I can hope for is that it might come back to the UK some time. Grrr!
Does he give you any indication of turnaround?
A mate is going to pick mine up for me today, £28 customs fee..

No idea on turnaround, and I'll just let him take as long as he wants. I've got enough other razors to have fun with, and don't mind waiting at all, as long as I know it's actually arrived