Wolfman WR1-OC

Cumbria, England
After a lengthy wait my Wolfman WR1-OC head was prised from the sweaty grip of Customs and made it home. I opted for the polished version and am glad I did, it's a beautiful mirror finish even inside the head. Honestly, it looks like it's chrome plated.

I had my first shave with it last night on an iKon bulldog handle, very smooth and comfortable yet very efficient. One shave is too early to tell, but this was the best inaugural shave of any razor I've owned, and I can see this one getting a lot of use.

Tonight's shave:



Oh, grats to you btw
chris.hale said:
The wait for James to tell me it was ready was bad enough, seeing the tracking website showing it as sitting in Customs for a week was worse.

Aaaarghh..stop talking about it!! lol
I want him to email me soon.....sigh......
Now you're just building up my hope, Chris .............

I got a reply from James on March 14th to tell me he'd inform me when the Dual Comb head was available ....... So on that basis ......I'd better keep the dough handy to pay for it soon :icon_cheesygrin:

Did you go for the brushed head or polished?
Hehe ........ That's a no brainer for me .......... my buying sprees tend to start with something catching my eye, closely followed with "Ooh, shiny!" ........ and a long hard talk with my wallet soon thereafter....... Definitely polished
Heard from James today and he is now about to make my order.

One dual-comb head in brushed finish and one WRH3 handle also in brushed finish.

Since James allow you to 'customize' the aggressiveness level (and he states his are w/out modifications a 4-5 on a Slim) I opted to bump my head up to about a "7".
Darkbulb said:
Since James allow you to 'customize' the aggressiveness level (and he states his are w/out modifications a 4-5 on a Slim) I opted to bump my head up to about a "7".

I wish I had known about allowing you to customize the aggressiveness before I got mine, otherwise I would have bumped mine up a bit.

I'd say my OC is definitely higher than a 4-5 setting on a Slim though.

Hopefully you will post lots of excellent pictures. Do you have an Ikon OSS? If so you could maybe do a comparison ...

Is there a chart somewhere (which I have missed) which defines every razor's aggressiveness? For unless one has used a Slim how can one get a handle on a Wolfman's base aggressiveness? It's all getting too complex, I was considering a dual-comb but this may now have killed the desire. :s


I hope it hasn't killed your desire too much. James is simply offering the ability, to at no additional cost, have the aggressiveness level adjusted a bit if you KNOW that you tend to favor a more aggressive or mild razor

The way it comes is - as James states (about a 5 on a Slim (even though it might be more than that)). If you know you like more aggressive ones you can ask him to 'bump it up a notch' or if you like mild razors you can ask him to tone it down. Nothing too scientific and I love that this is an option

I don't have an Ikon OSS but I do have an Ikon B1 en route to me as we speak...