Wolfman for sale

Admittedly it was on a BST, but I sold mine for exactly what I had into it. That was just a few weeks after he had raised the price, so I actually sold mine for less than the current asking price.

***Then I started watching them sell for $350+ and thought maybe I was an idiot.

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To be honest I don't think it's worth anything go close to that. I have thought of selling mine, especially as I'm pretty certain that I could ask £300 - £400 and it'd sell, but $1300 is just taking the piss especially as it's been given a crap paint job.

I know there's the sell it for what you paid argument, but I don't notice anyone doing that with Darwins.
I'm sure the person you sold it to thought you was a stand up guy who wouldn't want to make a profit from a fellow fourm member, good for you.
It's true, imo he has devalued it with the crappy paint job, what was he thinking? As far as what people sell things for...that is down for the person selling it to decide, there are of course times when you may adjust the asking price, if you was selling on BST or to a pal you may not want to make a profit but if you was selling on the bay you probably would like to make a profit but not like that bloke who is clearly taking the piss and is just plain greedy in my eyes, but we are all different and all have different values.
There could be a reason he painted the razor. Most likely he is a dick or he could have damaged it. It is a very bad paint job. I can paint and I would find it hard to do bad paint on such a surface.
If you are going to let it go, I will give it a loving forever home.
Most likely he is a dick or he could have damaged it. It is a very bad paint job.

Nah, generally neither. I know the guy from other forums and he is always dicking around with high end razors: polishing, bead blasting etc... He is always listing stuff on BST's and generally sells at high but fair prices. I was surprised to see this listing, because I didn't think of him as a douchebag.

I do know that he sent this razor off for that cerakote job. I think he was hoping for a Delta Echo type job and it just didn't work out.

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Ha, yes it is hilarious, he must have been so excited at the prospect of a huge profit that he went to peices when taking the pics!

Lol! I can just imagine that guy. "I'm gonna knock em dead with these pics!" Hook line and sinker.
With my luck he probable listed it on Ebay five minutes later for a couple hundred extra dollars. [emoji13]

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Omg I hope not. I hate those.

"Funny" .. he hasn't been able to respond me either when I've tried to make contact.

But I constantly see people in US rave about his quick responses and excellent service.

Perhaps we in Europe "doesn't" exist, because the US more than enough covers his customer-base needed?

I actually sold my Weber to a person online that I write a lot with for a lot less than eBay would get me. I just couldn't get myself to give him the "eBay" price, because I find it ridiculously high. It wouldn't be fair to him. Also I couldn't bring myself to sell it on eBay because he often told me he was interested in it, should I part with it. So personally I owed it to him to sell it to him for a fair price.

So with my head under my arm, I'll testify to answer "b".