Wolfman for sale

Everybody has the freedom to ask for what they want, it does not mean because someone has asked for a figure that the item is worth that figure, I have had some great buys through this fourm from people who were asking a reasonable price for the razors I have bought and am therefore pleased that thre are people out there who just want a fair price for their items, like I said if it is a business that someone is running then a profit must be made, business is business after all .
Nobody is thrusting pound notes into this guys fist, he's asking a stupid price in the hope a stupid person will come along, I get your point ,if you are asking 800£ for something and someone offers you 1200£ of course you are going to relieve the fool of his cash, but this is different, we have all seen the outrageous prices people put on items on the bay but they are chancers doing it in the hope someone simple comes along.
Honestly, truely honest, my entire shaving kit is probably amount £150. If someone was willing to pay £1k then its gone in a heartbeat and I'll go to Aldi for their 5 blade cart for Mondays shave. £1k buys my wife and kids a very Merry Christmas, more than me a good shave. That's me, if I won the lottery tonight I would buy you all a bespoke handcrafted razor, and before you all get your hopes up I only got 1 number
Thanks mate nice thought though.
Ok, if I saw that people where selling and getting £1200 for a razor I own then I'd put it up for sale along with them. Same rules apply, that cash is worth more to me and my family than a fancy razor in my cabinet.

Now, would I spend £200 on the off chance I could sell if for a £1k profit? No, same rules, £200 is worth more to me than chancing I could make more.
How in the world does one get four Wolfman razors in the first place?

That my friend, is another hot topic waiting to happen. Could be a couple of gents asked him to sell. However some guys are apparently swimming in it.

I think I saw somewhere that when James was starting out, you can probably ask him for more than one razor when your turn comes up. I could be wrong, however it's the only feasible explanation I can think of.