windows 10 and you

Ive been running windows 10 for long time. 2019. Its what I run.

I would try to do the windows 11 thing, but when I built my system, they wanted to charge me 1,100 for the little micro chip of safety.. now its like 50$ on ebay. And im not sure if my motherboard can support the chip, the BIOS does the fake version somehow.

Anyways, I had a widnows update on saturday. Wanted to play some video game today, so went to change the screen size... couldnt. AMD software "has been replaced by windows update". GRRR in 2022 this happened, and was a 2 hour ordeal hunting down the right settings.

Guess what... the new form of Win10 doesnt have that option box... tried 5 hours of downloading AMD software to keep getting an odd alert when half done "this system doesnt coexist". I know its nothing to do with my components. The last update for the software has changed made to support a video card released in 2011..

NOOOO..... I remember that the MICROSOFT update will keep AMD from installing software,, until I uncheck the now, no longer in existence box to unhook it as primary graphics card software.

SO I got bored, and madder, and went about and repriced my existing system.. man, when i built it it was 1300. TODAY i can do it for 600$ and give myself more RAM..

current budget level video card would cost me 700$..
I dont really WANT windows 11, sure it would let me USE a printer or a scanner but I cant even update my motherboard bios now. unless I wanted to do a lot of wanky procedures. And sadly i cant find my windows install thumb drive, so if i fucked things up... id be crying.

Its even more unfun because I actually put for a rather nice looking Aristocrat #15. they only wanted like 120 for it... and the minute i put the money down, the item was pulled.
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