Wilkinson Sword Sticky vs. Schick Krona

I have a Wilkinson Sword Sticky that I enjoy using from time to time. It's a lovely mild shaver, but not inefficient.

I hear similar attributes bandied about in reference to the Schick Krona. Does anyone have both and can make a direct comparison?
Hi, yes I have both and they are very comparable in mildness, but both efficient enough to deliver a bbs or near enough shave.

They are both ideal daily shavers that benefit a sharp blade.
ln terms of smoothness and comfort, I would just about give it to the Krona, it’s lighter and more nimble than the bulkier Sticky.
They are different enough though to justify an inquisitive purchase imo.

Happy hunting.
I've used both and would say that the Krona with a plastic knob is pretty much par with the Sticky, whilst the metal knob Krona is just a smidgen more efficient. The other key point about the Krona is that the angle on the blade doors guides you to the correct angle for shaving, so it works much better if you are in 7am autopilot mode
I have used every Krona model made, but the Sticky was/is not common over here. Perhaps it was made for foreign sales(?).

That said, I can tell no difference between Krona models and truth be told it's a better TTO design than any Gillette for that matter.