Wilkinson Sword Blades

Hi, I would be interested in people's view of these.

I have just finished working my way through a pack or five (same as these: http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/en/Razor-Blades/4510466-Wilkinson-Sword-Double-Edge-Razor-Blades.html) and to be honest I doubt I'll bother using the second pack I have.

It was a real treat last night when I switched to a Shark blade in my R41.

The WS blades were used in both my R89 and R41. In the R89 they just seemed below average. The shaves just weren't that great. In the R41 the effect was more obvious. They seemed to have the odd mixture of not cutting the hair that closely, but still trying to get the skin below!

They seemed to go off quickly too. They were noticeably blunt after the second shave in the R89 (I usually use a blade three times in the R89, or twice in the R41).

Prep and technique were as usual, and if anything improving while I went back to basics again over the holidays. The improvement when I used a Shark was instant.

They not a cheap blade either....
Relying on past glories. When made in England they were very sharp and smooth. Not made here since 1999.
Hunnymonster will be along in a minute to correct me on the year
I get good results from the wilkies 3 maybe 4 at a push shaves a blade i tend to avoid the ones in the black plastic container though for me they aren't as good as the ones in the white containers...
German Wilkies are, as has already been said, dull yet rough. IMO, the Indian Wilkies (marketed as Gillette Wilkinson Sword Saloon Pack) are much better; not the sharpest, but sharp enough, yet very smooth and forgiving.
They are not my favourite, but if I found myself needing a pack of blades from local shops, I'd happily use them till I could get some others.


Hunt down some vintage UK Wilkinson Sword blades with the little cards that have a picture of swords on the back and the "remember to buy more blades today" card...

Your face will love you forever.
Father Ted said:
[Just to add to the confusion, here are some variations on a theme...

Great pic Faddah,

Fun seeing some of those old blades in display. I mighta even used a couple of those myself......

Is that all of them? There are a couple more variations I think. I think I have either tried or have in my possession all of those. I used a Super Sword tonight in fact. Best I've tried is the one on the bottom row but with a gold 5 above the logo but the others are all very good.
Re: RE: Wilkinson Sword Blades

5 above the logo are the UK NOS ones...