Wilkinson Sword Adjustable Twin Blade Cartridges

I happened to have a nice unused Trac II handle lying around which I was going to put on BST.

Ordered these instead.

Thanks Chad.
Too bad they only ship to the U.K. I almost hit the BIN button. That is a fantastic deal.
I had two members offer to post these to me if I really wanted them. I appreciate the offers, but since I have an unopened pack of Gillette adjustables, (for travel...something I rarely do) I passed.

My earlier post was a result of my automatic impulse to capitalize on a good deal, whether or not it would actually be useful to me. The collector/hoarder in me coming to the fore as it were.

Kudos to @Bechet and @MrK1 for their generous offer. I'm proud to be a member of this forum and TSD, where the generosity of the members make the community an inviting one.