Wickhams clearout

I really am curious as to where it all went wrong here with Wickham Soap Co. We were all on-board, it was on the up and up... and then one day it seemed to just fall down :icon_sad:
Re: RE: Wickhams clearout

jb74 said:
I really am curious as to where it all went wrong here with Wickham Soap Co. We were all on-board, it was on the up and up... and then one day it seemed to just fall down :icon_sad:
He had issues in his personal life mate. Which prevented him from being able to continue. Had nothing to do with the soap or its popularity.

Thanks for the info, good to know and totally understandable. Darron seemed like an awfully nice chap, so I'm saddened to hear this.
If this is the end of production (and the end of an era for Darron and, to a lesser extent, - us) then I would like to extend my own very good wishes to him. As one door closes then another opens and I very much hope he gets sorted and finds happiness and success again.
Re: RE: Wickhams clearout

His life appears to be on the up. So

Thanks for the heads up.

I'm just about to finish a tub of Kiehl's Lite Flite and was looking for something new (to me) to replace it with. So, a tub each of Club Cola and Spice Trader have been ordered.

Cheers - David.
David-H. said:

Thanks for the heads up.

I'm just about to finish a tub of Kiehl's Lite Flite and was looking for something new (to me) to replace it with. So, a tub each of Club Cola and Spice Trader have been ordered.

Cheers - David.

love those scents
That is indeed sad news. I echo the good wishes to a lovely gentleman. However which one of you lot bought all the spice trade? As it is now out of stock and I am gutted I cannot get any more of my favourite soap.... Vengeance will be mine I tell you.
Thank you Gentlemen for all the wishes of wellness, and thank you Andy for all your help, you are all gents in the true meaning. It seems I have now turned an important corner in my personal life and popped my head out above a long standing dark and bleak cloud, it feel great to be back doing what I enjoy most... making good Shaving Soap.

I have added more stock to the Wickhams website, inc. Spice Trade. I have plenty left as I don't plan to restock previous suppliers. The idea is indeed to clear stock and to generate a cash flow to open a new door with a new soap. Some of you may remember last year I spent a lot of time working on a hard soap, I am going to pick it back up from where I left off and bring it to market. I start work on that again next Tuesday after a long break in London with friends who I have not seen for a long time.

Wishing you all a very enjoyable bank holiday weekend. And seriously, thank you for all your overwhelming support, it's very much appreciated.
