Why the big difference?

Thursday February 16, 2012
Hi mates, pals, fellow wet shave junkies. I have purchased things from a few vendors here in the states and just want to leave feedback on the good ones. I feel its a duty. I am currently undergoing a little trouble with one. Ill just say I should have gone with Dave there in the UK.
I had great dealings with the Shoebox Shaveshop! Nice selection, normal prices , but outstanding service! Another one in the same league is The Superior Shave! I have bought form a few others and cant remember anything great, but also nothing bad. Take this for what its worth, I hope I dont have to tell of horror in the next few days!
You really have a duty to give a vendor a reasonable and fair chance to respond and not air your grievances on the web at the earliest opportunity.

I find most vendors want to keep their customers, sounds like you are anticipating the worst which is never a good attitude to have.
I have been waiting weeks, I feel that is plenty of time. I have not heard anything, it seems as if they have dropped off the face of the earth. As for anticipation I think I am a little past that. I have moved to actually dealing with the worst.

One thing you forgot to notice I have yet to bash him, I only praised a couple. I owe it to the people I have made friends with here to let them know if they will have a good dealing with or a bad. Isn't that what forums are about to share knowledge?

Hi neighbor,

Yeah, 'weeks' is pretty long, especially if he's not talking to you.

I know it's not something you wanna write about, but maybe it might be time to mention what's going on with who. Tell us the situation and maybe the other person would respond in the forum to help clear things up. Never know.

Anyway, I appreciate why you made the effort to maybe try and alert us to something. I'm not saying that's needed here, but it's not like it hasn't happened before.

Plenty of time to apologize gracefully if you're wrong,


Oh did I mention you may not be the only one with a similar problem. I doubt it, but dat's an option.

antdad said:
You really have a duty to give a vendor a reasonable and fair chance to respond and not air your grievances on the web at the earliest opportunity.

Jeez Tony, you sound like my old college freshman housemother,

She's be running around the dorm room halls, yelling "You know the rules" in that shrill parrot voice of hers......heh. Oh wait, are you auditioning for a TSR moderator position?

Now I have a theory that you're becoming nicer....probably because those SE razors are making you a bit dim. Hah, I guessed it right didn't I?

Yeah, in the old days you'd wait for someone to step outta line and then BAM!!! You'd tear his throat out with one of your brutal (but often damn funny) remarks. The hell you doing now......giving someone a chance to get of the hook.

I miss the smarter antdad.
Shipping from the states to overseas has been very long lately. I wonder if the USPS has been cutting back on international shipment servicing.

I'm getting pretty annoyed with them.
Very interesting thing happened yesterday afternoon, I got an email telling me about an issue with a third party and my item will be sent Today.
I suppose the vendor also is a member. What ever the case, I will not leak his name. However, I do feel it is all part of a review section of a forum.

Lee I tend to agree, I am sorta a nice guy. I have sent on a few things to members in UK out of some kindness in my heart, and found what used to take 3 to 4 days now takes a week. But through all that the email was still instant! By the way, I have only heard good things about you on this forum which would be the number one reason I would ship a straight from Chicago area to Scottsdale when there is a guy who Ive heard nothing about just a little south.

Dodgy thanks for support, I still owe you a drink. HaHa!
I disagree with you, Ishmael - you are not a 'sorta' nice guy. My experience of you is that you are a gentle, big hearted, warm and generous guy - puts you up there with the best of us, in my book.
Bechet45 said:
I disagree with you, Ishmael - you are not a 'sorta' nice guy. My experience of you is that you are a gentle, big hearted, warm and generous guy - puts you up there with the best of us, in my book.

Thanks! I might have something for you its a little shorter than the other, however has Gillette ends! Interested, its yours! Not perfect however, one little nick in the stainless that would take a long time and effort to correct with out the right equipment. Same deal as before.
Antdad, I appreciate the point your making. However, this seems to be an issue these days. No one can say a thing about a bad vendor. I would think you would like to know if you're going to have a nightmare time with a purchase or service. I am not sure if you fall in the group of Vendor, but I have seen nothing bad about you so if you are you must be doing a great job!
After leaving the military I quickly learned that to be successful in commerce you have to give the customer what he wants. If you fail, you will fail at business.
As a seller, it is definitely a nightmare when the postal system lets you down. The customer is understandably aggrieved, and if it's the first time they have bought from me, they probably also wonder whether I've even sent the item, or ever intend to. Royal Mail won't even consider an item as lost until 3 weeks (inland) and 4 weeks for overseas. So when an item is delayed, I usually ask customers to wait until that time has elapsed.
However, it is very important to respond to emails, to reassure the customer that you're not some fly by night operation.
I did have a customer in the USA Christmas before last, when the post all over the world as we know it was experiencing massive delays due to serious weather conditions, who was happy to wait without complaint; eventually his order turned up 2 months later!! Now, that's patience! However, I doubt he would have been feeling like being tolerant if I hadn't replied to his chasing emails.

Mabs; I think it would take more than a SE razor to achieve either niceness or dimness.:icon_rolleyes:
Nanny if I can call you such, I have only heard tremendous things about you! I have even looked over your site. , my biggest issue was not the delay, things happen. The lack of communication is the issue. You sound like a professional, that is the basis of success!
antdad said:
Glad you're such a nice guy and you didn't have to spill anyones guts...which was always my point.

Did you notice i was trying to round up a posse (lynch mob)? Got a good tree already picked out for after the trial. Must be the usual Yankee bloodlust.

soapalchemist said:
Mabs; I think it would take more than a SE razor to achieve either niceness or dimness.:icon_rolleyes:

Ok, I'll give you that. Well, the part about him being any nicer. Heh, my little joke. He said something the other day that made me actually laugh because of how rude it was. That's a rare gift.

The dumb part though........seriously Toots, whadda you think about that guy? He maybe losing a few of his crumpets? From what I can see the SE use is making him go a little simple.

Oh, certainly no offense meant to anyone I mighta accidentally offended in any way.
I have to say that every time that I buy something from an individual on this or one of the other shaving sites that I have been pleased with the purchase. I'm even more amazed that the postal services of the countries were these purchases are coming from work so well. If only all people can trust each other, as it seems we do, the world would be a better place.
Johnus said:
If only all people can trust each other, as it seems we do, the world would be a better place.

A huge 'Ho!' to that! Trust and trustworthiness are, I believe, the foundation of all that is good between people.

Here, we buy, sell, send money back and forth, click links, open files and feel safe to do so - most of us, anyway. Great!