Why should I consider an injector?

I've been DE shaving for over a year, getting good shaves, blades are dirt cheap and my small collection of razors with their individual personalities are fun.
I've also been experimenting with straight razors, getting some fun shaves with them too, not as close as the DE yet, but pretty good.
The SE intrigues me, what makes it so good/different and should I consider it?
1. Because diversity is the spice of life ( dont tell that to your wife)
2. Because they shave well and are super user friendly
3. Because they are fairly inexpensive. I paid 7£ for a cased canadian schick.
4. Because they look cool in particular type g and e
5. Because billy loves them

Sent from Mars
Let's be frank here, Irfan, you are already considering a single edge or injector, all you need now is the reassurance that the odds are that you'll enjoy the new experience. You will mate. Laying aside for the moment some of the enviable and exotic kit F/Billy has tempted everyone with just lay out £10 / 20 on a decent 1912 EverReady or a GEM and enjoy perhaps the easiest, most intuitive and smoothest shave you have managed yet. Then, should you wish, you can enter the rabbit hole of whetted blades and the entire new injector world. Enjoy.

JohnnyO. o/
Yes Fasa, I've noticed that Billy likes them! I've noticed that a few guys are big fans of SE shaving.
Are you guys getting a better shave, are the blades better, is part of it the novelty? That's what got me into straight razors.
Yes Fasa, I've noticed that Billy likes them! I've noticed that a few guys are big fans of SE shaving.
Are you guys getting a better shave, are the blades better, is part of it the novelty? That's what got me into straight razors.
A Rolls Would Fit an SR User..95% of My Shaves are with an SR..You Will Get a Nice One on EBay Very Cheap & I Can Get it Shave Ready for a Small Cost..An SR Blade on a Handle..

Yes Fasa, I've noticed that Billy likes them! I've noticed that a few guys are big fans of SE shaving.
Are you guys getting a better shave, are the blades better, is part of it the novelty? That's what got me into straight razors.

I like the diversity in wet shaving personally.

I use DE / Injector / mongoose / feather artist club / rocnel P mostly.

I am a master of none. I get great shave from each of them but they have different personalities.

Like i said injectors are cheap and easy to use. I used bic when i started shaving in my teen and injectors are the ancestor so it was very easy to use.

Sent from Mars
A Rolls Would Fit an SR User..95% of My Shaves are with an SR..You Will Get a Nice One on EBay Very Cheap & I Can Get it Shave Ready for a Small Cost..An SR Blade on a Handle..

Yup, I've got a Rolls but the blade is dull, the stone side is intact but the leather side is knackered.
If there's a reliable way of keeping an edge on it I'd definitely use it.
I've also got a Ronson, with a strop built into it which looks lovely but the blades are dull.
Billy, these injectors - can they only be had off places like ebay & what's the deal with the blades. Are they easily available? Is there anything you need to be aware of before buying one. I'm aware of them but don't know too much about them either. They look interesting. Thanks