Why can I not stop buying creams?

I promised myself that I would use up a load of shaving cream before I bought any more.

Lo and behold, I received 2 tubs of tabula rasa cream that I ordered earlier in the week. There must be some kind of help available (possibly involving hypnosis?)



Send your new purchases to me, it'll teach you not to do it again!

Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you're under. On Monday you will put these creams in a box and post them to me along with any spare creams or soaps you can think of. Three, two, one, and you're back in the chat-room...
chicken neck said:
Errrr .... Where did you buy it from?!

lee's razors in the US - expensive stuff but finally got paid overtime from christmas so thought sod it :lol:

came with a free pen though so its all good :roll:


funnily enough I do have some MB that I cant get on with!
I can sympathise, I'm suffering to a lesser extent. I already have T+H and Cade hard soaps, and T+H lavender cream, Sir Irisch Moos cream, Speick cream, and yet I STILL bought a tube of Palmolive today. AND I want to buy a T+H Almond cream. There's no hope for us.
Funnily enough, I have never been tempted to buy the L'Occitane cade soap, I bought a tube of the cream (sigh) and it was the worst thing I have ever used, although I have since found out that the hard soap is infinitely better and bears absolutely no resemblance to the cream whatsoever. Still it put me off - which is a good thing!

Although the little tin for the soap does look very nice!
Im finding it hard to control especially when being on a little budget at the moment.

Thankfully Badger and Hone came to the rescue with 15% off.

Now myfriend, you must stop being weak and stay strong!

But if you can afford it, don't worry, infact, enjoy it!
Although the little tin for the soap does look very nice!

The soap is lovely and at 8 quid it doesn't break the bank if you wanted to try it. I've only shaved with it once but I'll be using it often.
Add that lovely, pretty, shiney bowl though (and let's face it, you're going to) and the whole thing comes to £27. Not quite so acceptable.

I was kicking myself after visiting Westfield yesterday... I really didn't need that bowl, and if the wife found out how much it cost she'd kill me.
CanucksTraveller said:
There's no hope for us.
Actually there is.

I currently stand at approximately 35 shave soaps and 46 shaving creams. :shock:
When I will have bought/sampled most of what's still out there, then there won't be much else to get. Consequently the addiction should theoretically stop.
Some definition of 'hope', at least for me anyway. :roll:

Probably around 1 tenth of the way down that slippery slope then :lol:

The trick is not to promise yourself Matt, makes the guilt pangs easier to ignore
It does slow down though Matt. Today i crossed off the last two soaps that i had on my to try list which was drawn up when i started down this slippery slope (T&H & GFT Rose).

This coupled with a steady cutting back of soaps and creams to what will eventually leave me with two of each is steadily drawing nearer.

Just have to get through the MB's Roses, Arko sticks, Wilky Blue sticks, Tabac, C&S:88, La toja, GFT Coconut, Speick sticks and Proraso. :roll: