Who's afraid of Virginia Woolfat?

If your so obsessed with such a little amount of the damn ingredient - buy some lanolin and apply the stuff to your skin after shaving. Or before - if you want to push the boat out!
I'd like to point out that YOU are the only one in this thread that's been obsessing over the amount of lanolin in MWF.
Considering the tiny amount of lanolin in Mitchell's, do you think it objectively adds anything, considering P&B has a ton of the stuff in comparison you'd think the post feel of the latter would be like silk?
Your post that started all this.
I could melt down Mitchells and add a good amount lanolin to it and make a proper lanolin shaving soap?

I dont have high hopes because P&B have loads of the stuff and it dont feel any better than other good post feel shave soaps.
Your post that continued the theme.

Edit: I don't mind, I learned some stuff, but I don't normally post something and then turn devil's advocate just to stir up discussion.
Or just use the best soap in the world ... since 1893 and still so!
Ahem. He's used it once. He's entitled to any opinions he has about it. I recently did something similar in the seven potions thread. Though my gripes were mostly about smell...
I have always wondered how they get away with the "Original 1893 Formula" thing, when they have ingredients in it that weren't created until the 1920's.
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Ah ... we've been here before. It from Yorkshire, mate. Yorkshire. We don't suffer by the rules of other men.

[irony]Just because the rest of the world didn't get some of those things until much later didn't mean we weren't using them for decades beforehand. I mean oxygen was discovered by a Yorkshireman, but we were breathing it long before ...[/irony]
I’ve had shaved with Kent and P&B spitfire over the past couple of days and I genuinely can’t tell much difference in how my skin feels afterwards. They are both excellent but I don’t get an exponential increase in face feel using the P&B considering the alleged extra lanolin in the formula. The simple answer is we are all different and use what works for you. I’m delighted with both products but if someone prefers one over the other that’s ok with me.
If your so obsessed with such a little amount of the damn ingredient - buy some lanolin and apply the stuff to your skin after shaving. Or before - if you want to push the boat out!
Our man @Blademonkey did some home hackery with a bol of Monsavon: https://www.theshavingroom.co.uk/community/threads/which-soaps-contain-lanolin.52507/post-793125 ... yeah, guess the lanolin could be boosted ... or even, as you say, just applied as a raw material. Mitchell's do make such a thing: https://mitchellswoolfatsoap.co.uk/product/lanolin-m/

Personally, I'm not obsessed with it ... just love the soap. That, and (to me) I find it has a rare post-shave feel that I only get when using a soap that has lanolin in the ingredient list.
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It's all good.

To pjgh - if I were to buy lanolin, I'd rather buy the 100% stuff which can be found on Amazon, the Mitchell's isn't.

e.g. it has petroleum jelly added which lanolin does not need.
FWIW, I think P&B is a better shaving soap than MWF for one reason: it's slicker.

But, since I'm not British no one here probably gives a sh$#.
FWIW, I think P&B is a better shaving soap than MWF for one reason: it's slicker.

But, since I'm not British no one here probably gives a sh$#.
I'd never even heard of P&B before this thread, but I'm not British either. Thanks to the magic of abbreviation, I still have no clue what soap you all are talking about. P&B lanolin soap returns nothing on Google, so I quickly lost interest.
I'd never even heard of P&B before this thread, but I'm not British either. Thanks to the magic of abbreviation, I still have no clue what soap you all are talking about. P&B lanolin soap returns nothing on Google, so I quickly lost interest.
Phoenix and Beau is the name of the soap maker. A British artisan. Available from Connaught and a few others: