who likes my new avatar?

i'm indian ethnically so thought it'd be cool to have an old fashioned indian man with huge beard avatar . I love how some rajestanis especially have awesome moustaches!

pugh-the-special-one said:
Who his he the sales rep for Derby blades?


low stoop man, lol! could have said gillette 7 o'clock blacks at least
no one seems enthused - i'm going back to my no-avatar state then
John said:
Louis said:
I missed it!
+1 so did,I Put it back up share the love :icon_razz:

so as not to single any particular random indian man out, it was one of these:


It was pretty cool, but some members felt having someone who wasn't me as an avatar was wrong so i removed it
I don't think Peter was hinting at that (he only stated he likes to have his avatar like he has it, if I got it right ). I think you should use it, if you like it. I use Cameron Diaz as my avatar
thats ok I'm not jimmy Hendrix neither, But I have set guitars on fire, speaking of such
how about this for your avatar?