Which adjustable or just a new DE

Cambridgeshire, UK
Haven't bought a new DE for ages so I feel a bit out of the loop with all the new kit around and while I continue to wait for the Rockwell adjustable (2 years, really?) a few adjustable newbies have hit the town. I have a digress and a Fatboy but I fancy something shiny and new

So which one, the Parker, very nice looking and a great price, the Rex again very nice but with customs pricey and then the beauty (imo) the Rocnel but $379, my word

So has anyone tried all of them, are there others worth a punt, is the Rocnel really worth over 300 squid?

Opinions very welcome good or bad
I'm also waiting for the new Rockwell model T but in the meantime my favourite razor is their 6S.

I don't usually adjust it during a shave but the ability to change plates depending on growth is excellent.
Over many years I've bought and sold so many Razors I really can't remember what they all were! I've owned several adjustables, but now settled on a Rockwell 6C kit (very good but can it truly be called an adjustable?) and the King of all of them-

Gillette Fatboy

This never fails to amaze me. It's not a super duper restored and replated one. It's a £30 bargain I found on the bay a couple of years ago. It needed a bloody good clean and polish, it still looks used but in an appealing honest way. Mechanically it's spot on and gives me a great easy shave. It's constantly in my rotation and others come and go but not this one!

A few years ago these were the must have (I used to import cheapos from the States and sell them on after a restoration) but prices seem to have fallen to sensible levels now. If you look for one be certain you know the difference between a Fatboy and a Slim, I've seen lots of slims on the bay being sold as a Fatboy!

I've had the Parker on loan and I've bought the REX.

I really liked the Parker. It gave very good shaves but there were a few things which stopped me from buying one at the time. The handle was too long for me and I found it top heavy. The balance wasn't right for me. Maybe if I'd bought one I would have gotten used to it.
Keep your eye on the BST threads as them come up from time to time.

The REX can be bought direct from The Gentleman's Groom Room so no extra fees to watch out for and it's were I bought mine from. Excellent service and highly recommend.

My journey with The REX is a long one so I'll give you the abbreviated notes.

Initially I did have issues with drag. It took sometime and improving my technique but I'm getting great shaves with it now.

Good luck with your decision.

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