Where's the guns and ammo forum?

Hello all you shaving folks out there. Complete noob in this proper shaving lark here. Found some great information on those Yankee forums, but I hate Yankee forums in general... too many gun discussions and their politics are usually just to the right of Hitler.

So its great to find a far more distinguished and genteel forum for learning!
Welcome aboard Flange.
Yes - here we keep our knives in the kitchen and our guns in the Gunroom, and when we refer to "weight" and "load" we refer to razors and blades.

No guns, but i do have one of these:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shillelagh_(club">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shillelagh_(club</a><!-- m -->)
Welcome to the forum..

Strictly pea shooters and water pistols here.

If it helps anyone im more than happy to post a picture of my favorite vintage razor along with my favorite vintage pea shooter.