Where to next?

" I have only come here seeking knowledge. Things they would not teach me up in college"
(apologies to Sting:blush

I shave very successfully with a Merkur futur. Love its looks and style, love the shave too, with Astra Blades - the one free Merkur blade didnt suit me at all.

But now I've joined this 'ere forum I also want something else to shave with. Just for a change really. So whither my shave? Another Mekur? Muhle? Jagger? or something exotic about which I know nothing.

These are the things you need to know: I'm a very shallow person and looks matter to me, In addition I am a northerner and naturally enclined to tightfistedness. :angel::icon_razz:

Many thanks to all who contribute.
You could sign up for some of the lending pool razors and try out what you like - but I really think you should try a vintage razor at some time ...
A Merkur Slant or an Ever Ready single edge razor would give you a nicely different shave and razor appearance. As you mention that you're a northener & look for value I should point out the obvious by mentioning that a single edge would require you stocking 2 types of blade, as your Astras wouldn't fit.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Option A: Vintage
Option B: Stainless steel
Option C: Slant
Option D: Open comb
Option E: All of the above, in various combinations. It'll happen anyway!

Get a Weber, to start with, while beginning to snaffle vintage Gillettes.
Mikael said:
You could sign up for some of the lending pool razors and try out what you like - but I really think you should try a vintage razor at some time ...

Interesting. Do you have suggestions please? Is Ebay the place?

HI Johnny,
I is not doing single edge because I is frighky of dem. :icon_cry2:
you don't know this yet but you are learning but you need (NEED) a slant, an open comb, an adjustable, a heavy razor if you use a light one (or vice versa) and one or more of these have to be vintage. then you can think about single edge and straight razors.......

enjoy the ride!!
Burgundy said:
Option A: Vintage
Option B: Stainless steel
Option C: Slant
Option D: Open comb
Option E: All of the above, in various combinations. It'll happen anyway!

Get a Weber, to start with, while beginning to snaffle vintage Gillettes.

OooH! dem Webers look nice. Do I have to order from the USA? Any British equiv?

I am ready to give myself over to the darkside.
Burgundy said:
Get a Weber, to start with, while beginning to snaffle vintage Gillettes.

Personally, I think Mr Burgundy could be saving you a lot of pain here, should you choose to follow his advice.

You can get them via US Amazon... have to do a bit of googling. But you can do a search on this forum and get all kinds of discussion. Some questions have been raised about the quality control, but if you get a good'un then you get a very good razor for your money. If I'm honest, I'd say my Weber is the only razor I really need... but I do like tinkering with my vintage Gillettes (currently a fat-handled Tech and a Slim Adjustable). You'll probably end up selling your soul and trying all of them!
Get an old heavy / Thick handled Gillette Tech.....everyone MUST have a Tech...it won't break the bank, and it will take your Astra blades.....Shaves like the Futur set at 2 to 2 1/2

I'm a Northerner who has a Futur..Ahem... amongst other razors, but I know shave almost exclusively with a Tech...using Gillette Yellows....
I started with one razor, got plenty more which were mostly vintage and am slowly working back down to one again. Too damned expensive this hobby and I only got into it to save money on razor blades! I already used a shaving brush so a bit of old fashioned masculinity and said cheap blades were the draw for me. Still for all its acquisition disorder enabling, this place has taught me an immense amount about shaving and my own addiction prone nature. Oh and there's a few damn fine few folk knocking around too. Spend yer pennies or more P. Smith London....

Ultimately, don't deny yourself an adventure as your better of regretting something you've done that something you didn't do. I ain't encouraging you though, no way, no how, no chance.

P.S. I forgot to mention razor handles - once you have found a detachable head that you like such as a Jagger or vintage Gillette, you can design and have made an exquisite solid stainless steel or solid brass handle by our very own Daz.
Thank you all very much boys. I have plenty of options to go at now. Very taken by the Webers and also the vintage Gillette thing.