Where to buy Godrej shaving cream in UK?

Hi everyone I've just returned from India and have fallen in love with the godrem shaving cream from there, especially the lemon one, it's really amazing stuff.

I'm kicking myself for not bringing back any more, does anyone know of a source in the UK where I can buy this?

Use eBay to get it sent from India. It's the cheapest way of doing it. Even a few tubes will come in below Duty/VAT threshold. Once the intial shipment arrives you plan plan to keep stock levels up.

I use Namaste World

Namaste World eBay
Thanks mate, why didn't I think of ebay.

I've just checked and it appears there is now someone selling it from the UK, he does the 100g tubes apposed to the 50g ones Namaste World sells.

Little bit dearer but not much maybe a pound difference, check it out his seller name is alex7947 he is selling the lemon fresh one going to get one now

What do you guys make of its ingredients list parabens, borax etc? Is it a strong lemon/lime scent such as Turkish lemon cologne or is it more Starburst sweets lime?
Nishy said:
What do you guys make of its ingredients list parabens, borax etc? Is it a strong lemon/lime scent such as Turkish lemon cologne or is it more Starburst sweets lime?

Scent is mild, but definitely sharp lemon. It's very nice cream.

Ingredients is more a matter of personal philosophy. There is nothing in it of proven harmfulness, but some people prefer to avoid 'chemicals'. Up to the user!

Nice scent. Good protective cream. Cheap.

Edit. - Forgot to say. Namaste World delivery from India is suprisingly quick and usually free.

Re: RE: Where to buy Godrej shaving cream in UK?

Sorry mate any chance of elaborating the post seems to make little to no sense, mild scent but sharp lemon? Anything similar you could relate the scent to? Chemical wise debatable whether parabens are proven carcinogens in some circumstances. I wouldn't expect it to be harmful being sold world wide and loads of things have parabens in them so personally I'm not too bothered, probably should have worded that differently; has anyone with sensitive skin had a reaction to this cream?
Describing scents - communicative minefield!

Sharp - as in 'not sweet', mild as in 'not much'.

So it's a 'not sweet' lemon scent which does not hugely impact the nose. More 'fresh lemon' than 'lemonade'.

See - perfect sense, if you happen to be me.

Parabens as a carcinogen? Many things are, in excess. I know that higher than normal concentrations of parabens have been found in oestrogen-sensitive malignant tumours but it remains to be shown whether this is cause or effect. Parabens is definitely oestrogenic but may or may not be harmful.

That said, I nowadays avoid anything that isn't 'pure' soap. This is because I have Acne Rosacea, which is less likely to flare if I use only soap. Non-soap detergents, which almost always contain parabens, bring on a flare-up, so I avoid them - but the problem chemical could be any of the other usual suspects, SLS, SLES etc.
It is difficult to describe scents thanks for explaining that, parabens is a minefield so best left to personal opinion, think I'll give the godrej a miss for now maybe one for the future!
Dunno why people are worried about parabens. Blueberries are flipping loaded with them and we eat them!

Jury is WELL out on parabens. I have sensitive skin I can;t use TOBS or Simpsons cream or that stuff but I am OK with this and it lathers beautifully.


The FDA aren't concerned about parabens, especially at the level they are in these products.
Ingesting parabens reduces the absorption massively into the bloodstream compared to dermol application. But it's such a disputed topic no point going down the route of good/bad. I'm actually looking for a cream that is so sharp lemon wise that you can taste the sour through its scent!

I know what you mean.
Try this Nishy,


Got to be the most lemony soap I ever tried, now I know they call it a soap but it's actually a hybrid cream or very very soft soap.

Mine was from a sample pack. This soap don't lather like Tabac or Arco but it is good enough for one pass at the time with my Omega giant loft.