Where can i get.....

Where can i get Barbicide or any other razor sanatizer stuff from?
Ive been meaning to get some for a while, instead of using hot water(would prefer to use it then just hot water)
So does anywhere do it without it being too expensive?

Giving it a once over with surgical spirit, they are both disinfectants but they WONT sterilize your razor.

Every now and then stick it in the oven with the roast dinner.

Try "Shelly's" next to Sainsbury's where The Commodore used to be - it sells supplies for hairdressers. That's on Nuthal Road, going towards Cinderhill Island from town. Near the Bath Shop.

Another option is the tiny barbers on Nottingham Road, just before Vernon Road (coming from town). He will pick you all sorts of stuff up from his suppliers if you ask him nicely - no more UK Wilkinson blades though.

Brilliant! Cheers Vinny Ill have to have a ride there and see what i can get.
Ive looked on the map, its between sainsburys and the bath store that Sallys is?(Says sallys when i go on googlemaps. Couldnt find the tiny barbers on Nottingham Road though. Not on Googlemaps anyway, but ill ride there and see what i can find, much eaiser probably :roll:

The barbers is on that little bit of Nottingham Road after you pass the Ring Road. It is between Fox Grove and Scotland Road and actually looks more like a hardware shop than a barbers.

If there's more than one customer in there you'll be fighting for room . . . it is about as big as a phone box.