When to Shave

Apologies if this has been asked before or sounds like a dumb question, I had a look at the stickies and found nothing in there.

I dont think my hair grows that fast, I normally go a week between shaves.
However this got me thinking should I be doing that. Should I be shaving more frequently?
I know the answer will be something like whatevers best for you.
But if shaving with a DE what would be the best length to shave.
I shaved on Saturday and now if i run my hand over my face its like a smooth sandpaper.

Once your growth has that feel, you're probably ready for a shave. I'm amazed it takes that long to get to that stage - it takes me less than 24 hours!:s
If you can feel the growth it's shave worthy.

As to how often you should shave, that's up to you. I shave at least 6 times a week, sometimes more often as it's not unknown for me to go out to mid week business related socials and I like to be as smart as possible for those.

I do find that my Sunday shave is the most satisfying of the week, so for me a little bit of growth helps the shave satisfaction
If I had the choice I think it would be every 2 days, shaving that 48 hour stubble results in the perfect shave for me.
Needing to look presentable for work however, I have to shave every day, that's not ideal but it's fine enough.
My shaving frequency depends on my needs. If I have to be at work daily, then I shave every evening and rest over the weekends. If I'm on vacation or periods between jobs, then I shave every other day. It makes the shave more enjoyable and less sensitive.

Also it depends on your beard and age. I have friends that can go with once every three days with hardly any stubble. Me my beard is thick and quick to grow and it gets stringer with every year.

So basically, shave whenever you feel like. If your face takes it well shave every day and enjoy the hobby. If you feel burn or sensitivity out some rest in between. Enjoy.
There is no hard and fast rule for how often you shave - it's your face so do it as often or as little as you prefer.

I've spent the last 6 months shaving 4-5 times a week but have just took a week off - I'm sure my next shave won't suffer from it and I'm enjoying the change in having a short beard. Might even leave it a month or so and just enjoy shaving a neck line and cheek line.
I shave in the evening if working the next day - I love my Sunday shave with 3 days growth. Probably not as satisfying as scything through a weeks worth with my iSlant - that still has me stroking my cheeks in wonder
I too have a heavy growth. I shave every morning, and if going out somewhere special in the evening, will follow up with another single pass to keep me fresh...