When is best to up my number of passes.

As I'm only a few weeks into DE shaving I'm only doing one pass WTG which is a few different directions. I was just wondering if there was a suitable time or number of shaves to move up to more than one. I Trialled ATG and it came up a little spotty on my neck.

Bring in a cross the grain ... right now?

You sound like you know your beard map - how the hair grows on your face, so shaving across it as a second pass should give a closer shave. With that one pass, you might (I'm not saying you have, but might ...) have developed a heavier hand. Lighten right up and make the two passes.

Good luck.
At first I went 2 wtg, then started wtg and xtg and now atg as well. Just take it easy and remember to keep lather on at all times with no pressure. After a few weeks things get a lot easier.
I started DE shaving in June. In the beginning I only went WTG like you for a week or so then introduced XTG in the third pass (two passes WTG one pass XTG).
It took a while to realise what I was doing wrong: too much pressure. It took me about 3 months to get used to that routine without getting any nicks or weepers. Now I can do WTG, XTG and ATG in three to four passes with mild razors (EJ89, Feather AS-D2, Gillette SuperSpeed) without irritation. The most important thing I learned was: No pressure!
Likewise, I just went for it ... couldn't be much worse than before. I think I left ATG until three or four shaves in

In hindsight, I would encourage new DE shavers to do WTG only, learn their beard map and understand that it is not simply N/S then E/W. Early on, I got away with it, but still got ingrowers which I attributed to healing skin. Looking back, I wonder ...

Now, nothing but the smooth.
Okay I have mapped my beard and know all the directions of my beard I will up to two WTG passes. I'll repost on this thread when I've had a couple of shaves
I've been wondering something to do with the way my stubble grows as well regarding which way to shave that part on the 1st pass. Just where the top of my adams apple and my chin meet the hair grows straight out not in any particular direction, does anyone have any tips for this?