When does stuff count as "yours" ?

No lol - it's a straightforward philosophical discussion.

I have ordered (and paid for) some blades for me, to be delivered to a friend (to avoid stupidly high shipping charges to the UK, plus he wanted some stuff but not enough to hit their free shipping threshhold). Now I'll be adding those blades to my Personal Shavocalypse calculation - but what I need to know is when do they officially count as mine?

  • At the point of order?[/list:u]
    • At the point of delivery into the hands of my trusted agent?[/list:u]
      • When they're securely stashed in my SWMBO-proof stash?[/list:u]
Using prudence as your watchword you may be best waiting until they are physically in your shave den. Even if your 'friend' is trusted there is always the matter of the postal service delivering safely to your door.

(Did you pay by credit card? Is there some strange rule that says the goods belong to the credit card company until you pay off your balance??)

:?: :roll:
Pig Cat said:
Using prudence as your watchword you may be best waiting until they are physically in your shave den. Even if your 'friend' is trusted there is always the matter of the postal service delivering safely to your door.

LOL - too true on the post, although hereabouts stuff only goes missing when Blind Pew the Postie puts it through the wrong door.

Pig Cat said:
(Did you pay by credit card? Is there some strange rule that says the goods belong to the credit card company until you pay off your balance??)

:?: :roll:

Depends on the credit card in question but I think generally it's the case - but in my case thanks to a refund processed in the interim, I have a positive balance on the credit card at present (which the CC company hate)
hunnymonster said:
Depends on the credit card in question but I think generally it's the case - but in my case thanks to a refund processed in the interim, I have a positive balance on the credit card at present (which the CC company hate)

So they pay you interest, right? :lol:
:lol: I may own the bank in question (as a taxpayer) but there are no such perks - if you really want to punish a CC company, maintain a credit balance of 0.01 and don't use it ever - because it's a non-zero balance, they send you a statement, which costs them to produce and post :mrgreen:
you know all those offers of loans and credit cards that come throught the post.

it costs the companys nothing to post all that crap to you, don't throw it in the bin/recyling do-da.
fill the pre-paid return envelope with all there bumf or take-away menus (i write fcuk-off on them) and send it back.
they then have to pay the postage
sad but :roll: :lol: