What's your most expensive and infuriating shaving gear - that doesn't work?

...My expensive mistake was a Mint Boxed Ranger Tech (import fees too!) - rough as fuckin' arse 'oles!

I have never owned one, but I have read they are a little bit more aggressive than the later post-war Super-Speed & Rocket. Did you mean it was too aggressive, MM?
I have never owned one, but I have read they are a little bit more aggressive than the later post-war Super-Speed & Rocket. Did you mean it was too aggressive, MM?
I know what you mean, I was expecting it to be a bit more feisty than a SS, what I wasn't expecting was so many cuts and nicks - regardless of blade choice. In my considered opinion, I reckon that the blade alignment was off as I can't believe it was designed to be that bad or that (even though this is a few years ago) I had such duff technique.
I would then bet dollars to dog turds that it had been dropped or 'fiddled' with. Sounds like it was out of whack, or perhaps it was made the day after Pearl Harbor was attacked.
Frank Shaving Chubby 3 clone, 30mm knot w/ v1 Synthetic hair (managed to sell it just y'day....)
Merkur Vision 2000 (too many moving parts design-wise and mine was a tad flimsy).
Aramis shaving soap.
Shave soap, pre-shave soap, post shave soap, after shave balm by the Handmade Soap Co. in Ireland.
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I'm a cheap assed Scotsmen. I actually prefer the term thrifty. No expensive brushes or razors for me. Decent quality vintage gillettes and semogue brushes for the win.
Penhaligons EDT's...I like most of them but they last as long on me as a fart in a gale.

The Pen's English Fern talc lasted longer unfortunately as soon as I discovered that it was discontinued.
Shavemac D01 two band, it's like rubbing your face with the rough end of a pineapple. I should really sell it, but in order to be honest I'd have to describe it as feeling like a hedgehog's arse and that's unlikely to attract a buyer.

The other three Shavemac two bands I have are lush, but using this one is like doing penance.
I've not really bought into the expensive end of shaving ... I had a silvertip badger once, but that's long gone. Going with the soap thing, the one product I just laughed out loud and moved on was Xpec. Like trying to lather moisturising lotion. What a crock! Absolute bab!

Oh, and MWF rules! Simply put ... probably the best out there. By a country mile. In fact, it could give all others a country mile to get started and then overtake with quite undramatic ease.
Merkur 39C Sledgehammer. Tried 20+ blades in it and got weepers every single shave. Apparently the head has been redesigned since then to be smoother.

Also the Feather AS-D2. One shave and moved it on. Far too mild.
Due to finding this forum early in my shaving life I have managed to avoid all the potential pitfalls and haven't really spent money on a lemon so to speak. I can only speak from my own experience but MWF for me beats almost all soaps. It's post shave feel is marvelous and it whips up a storm for me.
I've found it best to keep the puck hydrated and even when not using it I give the puck a drink every time I shave. When shaving I just put a tablespoonful of water into the dish. No drama. Honestly the only thing I have bought and not used is a Muhle r89 and I gave it away but only out of snobbery. I soon discovered I'm a stainless tart and the Muhle wasn't good enough to stay in my den. I pif'ed it to a member.