Whats your favourite hot sauce?

Pah, Oriental's not derogatory it means Eastern. It's getting daft these days with all the bloody euphemisms, someone the other day at work referred to someone having "passed" it took me a while to work out that they meant "died".

Anyhow, can anyone recommend a nice hot sauce that doesn't taste predominantly of vinegar?
I hear tell that 'lavatory' is a word that must not be spoken in Yankerland, along with 'toilet' and 'loo'. To go to the bathroom in a restaurant sounds silly.

What's up Cap'n,

First of all, asking about the lavatory or loo in a bar around here would get me either propositioned or punched most likely. Good God, those are goofy and sissy sounding words.

Way back when my kids were small and we'd be at a restaurant for example, my wife and I taught them to ask the waitress or manager the whereabouts of the 'crapper' if they needed to use that place. 'Toilet' sounds so tacky for some reason, don't you think?

Nothing more adorable than a cute 5 year old girl or boy innocently saying 'crapper '. I suggest you Limeys try that with your kids, especially since Mr Crapper himself was one of you guys I believe.
I passed something really nasty at work today. Twice. It was probably the Sriracha.
Anyhow, can anyone recommend a nice hot sauce that doesn't taste predominantly of vinegar?

Ooh, ooh, I know one (said in my best Gunther Toody voice),

Give Cholula Original hot sauce a try. Lots of flavor with around medium heat. Not much vinegar comes through at all...way down on the ingredients list after salt even. I will use it most often alongside scrambled eggs.

Worth a shot.
Pavement chariot! That got me laughing though I feel chariot may have many war time connotations such as that of Boudica and could be deemed politically incorrect perhaps pram or buggy world be better suited

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This stuff is quality. Makes you go to the crapper the next day though or is that the Mexican food it come with...

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I think the most politically incorrect thing of all is that your ruddy government seems to think it's ok to tell you what you can and cannot say. I'll have a big dollop of 'Bugger that!' with a good dosing of Encona Original, please.

I rather like some of the chilli sauces that come with pakoras, samosas and the like along with raita. To me, they appear tomato based with a good pinch of mint and some garlic but not quite enough heat. Must be the takeaway/restaurant playing safe and not wishing to 'light up' their clientele. I'd love a proper recipe for one of those or even better a ready made but fairly hot alternative.
PC you say ... My Wife overheard a kid ask his Mum if she'd got his PE kit, she said 'your outdoor learning clothes'.

Missus nearly fell off her shoes.
I would have asked the mum if the Pope shat in the woods. Seriously outdoor learning clothes, wow.

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PM me mate ill send you some real stuff.

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Pavement chariot! That got me laughing though I feel chariot may have many war time connotations such as that of Boudica and could be deemed politically incorrect perhaps pram or buggy world be better suited
Funny you should mention Boadecia! I took the advice of M. Bones and had fashioned and fitted to the wheel hubs a set of four curved knives. Personally, I think they spoil the appearance of my chariot but I can get through a crowd at full speed - multi-tone air horn as advanced warning, fitted where the shopping basket used to be. Serious amount of chrome!
Get that beast on Top Gear or the front line

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Ooh, two recommendations for Cholula must give some of that a try then!

I've tried quite a few hot sauces, I like the Cottage Delight Cajun, and enjoyed one from Mr Vikki's but can't remember what it was. A lot seem to taste vinegary though.
For buffalo wings, there's only one: Lea & Perrins. Sadly it's not obtainable in Norway anymore

Lately I have been enjoying Tabasco chipotle version.