What's wrong with the raffle?

Also, I've no idea what running a forum like this would cost. So I've no idea if the chunk going to tsr is sufficient, not enough, excessive. Some feedback on that ("dudes! we covered this months bill!" or some such) may be nice.

There isn't a fixed monthly cost, it's mainly time spent and buying new software for extra features. The board software licenses were expensive. I paid out over £400 on those recently, the Vbulletin version was a particularly costly lesson. Sometimes the donations go to TSR's chosen charity http://www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk/
Carl you could always have more than one prize with a lesser value?
I've never won anything before either, but then I entered the raffle here and won in the June one.
Not the fourth prize I really wanted, but the first one! I managed to buy the fourth prize from the winner who didn't want it though.
This is the magic raffle that makes losers win.
I think it is worth a punt...
I just believe that supporting the site with the added bonus of a chance of winning something, is worthwhile. Whereas asking for donations or charging a membership fee gives nothing back, apart from the joy of commmunicating with sometimes alike thinking persons
It's just a mental block with me, I didn't give it a thought due to being a raffle, whereas I'm happy to support the site.

I'll keep an eye on it in future & buy occasional tickets, depending on the prizes that I'll never win.