What's wrong with the raffle?

'S'a very good point - I'd quite forgotten, surprise, surprise. With fifty-nine tickets, this month they would have been about £6.00 each. Much more affordable! Would folk like to stay at the current prize level - expensive - or drop to lower value prizes? I'll put a couple of each into the poll and we'll find out. The Digress at £95 plus £60 for TSR with fifty-nine tickets would be £2.60-ish for a ticket. Fifty-nine tickets for a fiver is £296, say £96 for TSR still leaves £200 for a prize, plus or minus on each amount.

Any more feel as Holyzeus?

I'm looking for one more lower value prize suggestion.

In the meantime, we have a straight to raffle!! Tix here!
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I'll jump in and get a ticket before they sell out.

I've been asking myself what is inhibiting me this month and it is this. I do not want a straight razor and, because it doesn't interest me, there would no 'thrill' in winning. I know I can sell it and get a nice chunk of cash but that seems like a nuisance rather than a prize. Also, I feel as if any win by me would be a disappointment for others who really WANT this prize and seeing me sell it would almost add insult to injury.

I want TSR to get a bung so I'll buy one but I have little in the way of other motivation this month.
With the £5 ticket, you could give the £96 to TSR monthly and vary the prize value. Thereby building a fund and giving more expensive items as and when the pot allows, also it would possibly make members more invested to enter each month.
The above post was written whilst I was draughting this reply, and I have little interest in winning any de's or really brushes. But I do wish the forum to continue, so a bit of nuisance or disappointment is a small price to pay. Especially compared to the time spent actually organising this for our benefit.
Rock on Carl and Andreas
I hear what you are saying, @globalm - pretty much why I bought a ticket. But - the straight guys deserve an opportunity to win a high end razor - and they support DE raffles in the main. If we support each other as well as TSR, all be well!

The group I feel for - especially now we have a straight raffle - is that of vintage SE shavers. I cannot figure how to get them a razor and I'm not aware of a high end vintage SE anyway. Maybe one of the new ones when they are readily available.

I'd like to win this razor in order to recoup my Marfin brush costs! Perhaps not exciting - but very prudent! Or the OneBlade costs. Or the Blackbird costs. Or a grocery bill I'd like to afford! Hah! even put it toward the roof fund! (which kinda takes us back to the Marfin brush.)

I suppose if you were really desperate, you could cash in the prize and give SWMBO a thrill. Might pay exciting dividends?

Another very good idea! I'm not sure my accounting skills are up to it but the worst I could do is *u*k it up, after all.

Yeah! that would work well. I seem to have your trust so carrying over would be OK.

Currently, I have all last month's money in a separate account, waiting for Pils to charge my card and ship the razor. I've been comfortable accounting each raffle separately but I'm young enough to learn a new trick or two - as in dogs.
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Ah! so that's why I keep seeing a Graeme ticket request every time I access this page - it's at the top! Would you be good enough to re-post in the - maybe I could do that. Let's see.

Yaay! When I cease using the back button, it's moved! Thank you, Graeme.
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I think the raffle is great and for me, I do like the idea of being able to win something that I could not afford, as in the straight but some Im just not interested in, like th high end DE's. I appreciate everyone has different tastes, so I dont mean that as a negative but Im happy to sit out of some.
At the moment Im being good with my money as I have switched jobs and have not received my first paycheck yet, so Im fearing the worst ha. So £7.50 is a bit pricey this month, although I do like the fact that there are less players involved and more chance of winning, in future I'd be happy to pay that.
Hey Carl, I was going to get back to you when I had a chance to think about this.
I just haven't had the chance.
I had a few thoughts that I haven't really thought through yet but as you have opened a thread anyway.
I shall air them as works in progress. Run them up the flag pole.
Throw them at the wall and see what sticks. Put them outside the box.
Think blue sky blah blah blah.

a) I think that perhaps a way forward would be a choice of prizes.
Perhaps get a list of potential prizes of a similar price bracket?
So, choose the price, follow that with a list of prizes that can be chosen from. (whether it be £100/£200/£300)
So, for example £200:
- A £200 voucher from this vendor, that vendor or that TSR member?
(Then wether the winner be a stright, DE, SE, expert or beginner, they get something fun)
- A £200 Straight.
- A £200 brush.
- A Particular razor.
- The difference in value of prizes can always be made up with soaps or blades if need be.
But I don't think you would need to.

Would this option make your job a lot easier carl?
The price can be set without having to probe for what prizes people want?

b) Perhaps you could have an occasional big prize, say quarterly?
A special event type thing? Just to mix it up a bit.
So, for example perhaps month 1 - £200 prize, 2- £100 Prize, 3 - £300 prize.

c) I was also wondering whether we could get donations, or reduced items for the raffle from vendors?
It could do two things, make the prize pot better looking and / or increase the amount freed up for TSR coffers.
Don't ask don't get.

Can't remember what else off the top of my head, but maybe some combo of some of those things?