What's wrong with the raffle?

Last two days, we've sold two tickets - one a day! I can dream up a list of paranoid reasons why this might be but think it better to ask you guys.

What is wrong with the raffle, please? Why are you staying away?

Even if you are not a straight shaver, you could win the prizes and sell them on.
Maybe you should point out, as I'm doing now, who benefits from the raffle (apart from the winners)
The Shaving Room
Yes, the excess money is given to this site. The place we all love.
Come on guys, show how much you appreciate the new forum software...
Buy raffle tickets here .
That's the spirit - shaving first, wife, kids and mortgage ...
Literally mate...I am a few £ up from the Mankey Boy purchase from a few days ago though,but still have not paid the rent or council tax,Oh well,as long as the TSR lives on,I can still access it from a tent in the woods via the mobile...I better start looking for a solar phone charger...

I am in this months raffle, but to be honest £7.50 does seem a lot (to me) for a raffle ticket. Yes, I know the prize is substantial, but I am unlikely to buy tickets for each raffle at this price.

I would be more inclined to buy tickets more often if the price was less and the prize was smaller. A £100 shaving brush or razor would be very enticing to me, but I do appreciate that many on here may not agree.

Either way I think its a great idea, and you'll never satisfy everyone, so keep up the good work!

I only had one go on the TSR raffle a couple of months ago.

I won't be having another though.

I would have a look back over the threads and see why anyone might be put off buying a ticket.

I'm confused!,why would anyone be put off from buying a ticket?,O.K,they are expensive,but I didn't buy a ticket in the expectation of winning anything,its more like a donation to the site,without being a 'normal' donation,if you see what I mean!.I searched 'raffle' and couldn't find anything derogatory going 4-5 pages back,so please,enlighten!.
I have got involved in all of the raffles so far but was touch and go on this one. Mostly because I am not a straight shaver but partly because of the steady inflation in cost and the percentage going to the site being a little on the high side. These are minor quibbles though and I raise my hat to Carl for his tireless work on this.
Message received! Lower cost items next month - but first we have to complete this one! Plus, we've been raffling your suggestions as prizes - we need a more vociferous group supporting lower priced items.

We had a raffe a couple of months back in which I had to work my bollix off to sell tickets and we donated £34 to TSR - so I increased the TSR chunk. If you think I've gone too far at £100, please feel free to say so.

We run these raffles for your enjoyment - and TSR's gain - and I really want you to be in charge of how they work. I need feedback for that otherwise my own tastes get involved little by little, which is not what it's about!

Rather than winning a razor you don't want and putting it in BST, may I suggest selling the notional prize and allowing the buyer to choose his razor from TI?

FS: One notional TI razor - £260 OR £200 and a contribution of £?? to TSR!

Digress noted.
There are fewer straight shavers, for sure - but they deserve a chance of winning a raffle, too. Prizes may always be sold on.

I just remembered - it's in the Sticky - if you want to buy a half ticket - odd or even - please PM me and we'll sort you out. That makes this month £3.75 - enough of you want a half ticket, maybe I won't have to buy a left over half!

Would you like the Odd and Even system brought back? Is a raffle every month too frequent?
I personally didn't like the odd and even thing, and with the imminent start of the 59 ball lotto I think a £5 ceiling possible to still give decent prizes. Could continue to include options of top ups for more exotic items, with the ball being in the winners court, so to speak