Whats causing this......

Tuesday January 17, 2012
Hey guys.

I just had my evening shave and as I keep saying I'm very new to Traditional shaving.
(Loving the new Edwin Jagger number!)

I had the CLOSEST shave ive ever had - even went for an ATG final pass. But....

When I finished the shave, there were really small specks of blood coming from some areas of my face. They aren't nicks or cuts per se, it almost looks like blood coming from some of the pores.

Its not really giving me any pain either, I just thought I'd ask on here if I did something wrong, and what can I do to avoid this in trhe future?

Arrowhead said:
Hmm, weepers. Too much pressure, too many passes, inferior lather - that sort of thing.

Yup. Could be any of those really. If you are new to going against the grain then I reckon you just need to ease off the pressure. You may find that some areas of your face are never a good place to go ATG. After a lot of time I found that I could do my neck, apart from the middle part above the adams apple which I don't even bother trying any more as I always seem to nick it.
Arrowhead said:
Hmm, weepers. Too much pressure, too many passes, inferior lather - that sort of thing.

Hmm, yeah I gathered this would be the case. I think I'm still using bad habits gained during cartridge shaving. Im trying to keep the strokes controlled and short, but I often go over the same area 3 times even in just one "pass" if you get me? Guess I need to just imbed the new technique into my brain.

Yeh, I had the same problem, definetely need to dump the old cartridge razor technique. Also get an alum block to finish up with.
No soap, too hard, and probably the wrong direction in parts. Ease up, go for comfort and a completely blood free shave for now (do that with 2 easy, light passes, one with the grain and one across).

Only go against the grain when you're completely sure that you know where you can get away with it. I can only do it comfortably on my cheeks, if I tried ATG on my throat area I'd risk getting weepers too so I just go across there, it still ends up really smooth.
I still get weepers from too much pressure. Not often but sometimes on my neck.
No lather...NO SHAVE!
Thats the rule.
I had a friend to stay and he had a go. Did 3 or 4 days of good work.
Then ouch!! Tried to get really really ultra smooth on the neck area. NO lather used!! Even if I am tidying up I use lather.
I go for two parses like canuck.
If I know the razor and the blade lather combo I go for a really gentle slow ATG under the chin area.
But not always!!
Too much, too close, too soon.

Change nothing for a couple of weeks except to refresh a blade.

When you learn how to shave properly you won't need to shave ATG.
I remember going ATG on my top lip after around 2 months of DE shaving and getting a myriad of weepers in that area. As Tony said, once you have mastered the various nuances you really don't need to to ATG. I get close to going ATG under my jawline. I actually go at 45 degrees, so midway between XTG and ATG, but I know I can get away with it there; however, if I were to go ATG elsewhere, I'm sure I'd regret it. Admittedly, if I rub my hand directly ATG, I do feel a slight roughness, but, as I have very dark hair, I'd have a faint shadow even if I went ATG, so it's not worth it.
Hi there Stu,

As far as the ATG pass goes, it'll come with time. The angle of attack and any pressure needed is just trial and error, and finally muscle memory kicks in after a while. If you wanna use that pass (and I recommend you do), try going for a very shallow angle and short strokes. Another suggestion would be to use a milder razor like a Tech or Gillette adjustable.

You see there's members who don't bother with ATG, but the majority of DE shavers do use that I believe. For whatever reasons, not using the ATG pass fits some people's shaving style better.

Truth be told, it's my favorite pass by far. By that time two passes have preceeded it, and this AGT third pass really is gratifying. That's when things start getting really really smooth.

Just another point of view to consider,

I find that the size of the razor just naturally dictates how I shave. I tend to shave with strokes with the Merkur Futur and short choppy strokes wit a Gillette '04. Not sure why but it just feels better doing it that way.