What Watch Are You Wearing Today?

Anyone fancy a Robert Loomes watch?

There's only two things about them that put me off. One of them is the Roman numerals. (Cue the old joke: who hates Roman numerals? I for one.) See if you can guess what the other thing is. (Clue: in Roman numerals it's VDLXXX)


OrangeSport said:
I like them a lot. Have also met Robert briefly. Very interesting guy.

yes, hats off to him.

I'd like them -- but I'd like them a lot more if they had arabic numerals were about 1/10th of the the price.

Or even 1/5th (i.e. circa £1, 100)

But to my mind they are very expensive for what they are; it will be interesting to see if they sell well and/or hold their value. I suspect not.

Edit: actually, the more I think about it and read some of the stuff Robert has written the more I like the watches and him.

Mind you, OrangeSport, you've already got some lovely timepieces!
Thanks! I think luxury watches appeal to the heart first, and the head second!

This today

Costs about 20x more than my more functional and more accurate Seiko diver but as I said, heart before head

I much prefer the inside of that Loomes than the outside, the Smiths movement is lovely. The dial does nothing for me, the case is :s
The price is extravagant but so was my Panerai with a old pocket watch movement in it worth about £150 (tarted up ETA 6497) the Panerai will eventualy apreciate in value, whether the Loomes will...I wouldn't take the risk.

Planet Ocean today with everything else I need no further than arms length away, tea, sandwich, wallet for online impulse purchase, communication devices, pen, diary & ear plugs so I can drift off to sleep peacefully. That's me not moving for the rest of my (working) day :icon_razz:

I've posted this before but's worth a look if you want a quick guide to how a watch works

Skip the first fives minutes and have a look. Nice piece of old public information programming, too.

You guys are obviously to join Rolf Harris on a five to ten stretch. ... That's my daughter... Aged 9.... So no cleavage :icon_rolleyes:

I'm laughing out loud now and can't tell my wife why!

If it's any consolation I've got daughters of a similar age too.

They'll probably be taken into care now and I'll only be allowed supervised visits.
