What nibbles to have with whisky?


My nibble of choice in the evening is cheese and onion crisps, but they don't play well with whisky. I'm looking for a some ideas as to suitable nibbles to go with my favourite whisky, Auchentoshan.

Any suggestions?


I had haggis spread on oatcakes the other night, that was out of this world! Appreciate that can't be an every weekend sort of thing though.

I quite like some bread, something like a crusty French stick or a warmed ciabatta and some olive oil. Maybe some Chorizo or salami.
Cheese and biscuits are definitely a good choice, pretty much any tangy cheese. It brings out the sweetness of the whisky.

Vanilla ice cream is a good way to start an evening; as it's cold it brings out more of the base notes which balances the sweetness of the ice cream. I prefer a smoky/iodine whisky as a dessert topping.

I'm with Canuck right up to the Chorizo or Salami bit, haggis and whisky is divine!
Flashback:: Saturday morning, neighborhood bar... Double shots of Schenley's ; beer chasers; and sausage sandwiches . Walking of course.
Long time ago.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been out shopping and have a variety of nut's, cheese's and biscuits. Just waiting for the sun to go down and the testing will commence.

I do like the suggestion of haggis and there is one in the freeze (left over form last week), it was followed with a light raspberry trifle. Stunning!

+1 on the Cranachan. Almost like a Scottish Eton Mess with oats, whisky, raspberries and cream. Cheese on toast made with proper strong cheese or alternatively use a mild creamy one like Caboc on oatcakes with a wee drop black pepper ground on the top. Pate works very well too - a rich and strong chicken liver one.