What makes for a great shave?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Home next week to 'Chez Satan' which will give me the opportunity to explore this art a bit further than just this forum, which at the end of the day is what this place is all about and so far I feel I am much better informed. Ready to do battle with facial growth. I'll probably slash myself to death, but that is another matter.

However I am curious as to what makes for a great shave?

Products, pre-shave, choice of razor, blades, post-shave, attitude, technique or anything else which should be considered? Possibly even a passing comment made afterwards?
Prep and technique are the most important in my view YMMV, ive had good shaves using cheep products and cheep hardware after good prep!
1. Nice shower
2. Use some kettle water to heat up your shave bowl, leave while in shower
3. Soak your brush (if natural hair) and razor in the sink with hot tap water.
4. Nice hot flannel (microwave 25 secs) not needed as shower has hydrated your face but i like it,
5. Put some relaxing music on (optional lol)
6. Spend time creating a nice silk lather, dont rush, its fun, ha!
7. Shave, don't rush concentrate on your angles and technique, it will feel right when your at thr correct cutting angle (remember is facial hair reduction with de shaving so dont worry if there is hair around after pass 2 or even 3)
8. Use an alum block as this will act as an astringent and if there is any stinging in an area this will let you know where you havent dont a good job, e.g bit to agressive, wrong angle, bit of razor burn. (for me normally under my chin or side of the mouth)
9. Your normal post shave....

Again this is all subjetive, its what works best for you! But good quality products are not always expensive. Ingrams shave cream is €1.50 and its awesome stuff...
Much of the above, barring the hot towel as I'm too lazy to walk downstairs for the microwave. Also I give the bowl a miss as I'm to tight to buy one.

What makes for a GREAT shave ? Mr. S Friendly, hot water, razor, blade, lather spilling brush. Fave a/s to follow on ... then Mrs. S Friendlybwaiting expectantly in next room ! That'll probably make any shave most excellent if you're just getting back to base !

JohnnyO. o/
Fave a/s to follow on ... then Mrs. S Friendlybwaiting expectantly in next room !

What, in the toilet? But I am very open to something new and surprising

bit of razor burn. (for me normally under my chin or side of the mouth)

Oddly enough the same areas for me too. I have always found shaving around the chin is the most difficult part of the face for me to get good results.

I took a hint from another thread of placing a small dollop of cream in to the centre of the brush and what a difference something as small as this has made to date. Taking all your replies onboard as after all this reading, asking and purchasing I just want it to be a great experience.
Mitchell's and a 1912 ...

No, seriously, it's taking time. Rush a shave and it'll be bad. Take time to wash and massage in water, lather up, let it sit, refresh, shave.

Well you are 100% right on your first point but yes, completely agree with taking your time. It's often been pointed out to newbies to consider shaving in the latter part of the day, for this reason alone. I know certainly a lot of people on the forums do just that now. It's when I get the best chance to unwind, something that made a massive difference when I went traditional.
Since I upped my preparation, it has greatly enhanced the shaving pleasure and subsequent result. I'm using "Kyle's Method" of pre-lathering and steaming for three minutes under a hot towel. These three minutes allow me to fully unwind and I count them as one of the most important aspects of my shave. The extra prep does help, but that part isn't as important I feel.
The pleasure I derive from shaving is all down to everything but the actual shave itself.