What made your day a good one

My days are out of synch but finally getting a BBS off the Ikon B1 OSS DC. Third time I've owned it and finally broken it's back. For me - one of the most challenging razors I've ever come across.
*sits back and relaxes.
After discovering a wasp queen had taken a liking to an area of my garden at the edge of my decking (oh, and the DVD player broke ... and my knees ache ...) I did the usual guy thing and tried to sort it out myself, killing at many as I could but they kept coming and going ...

Read up, go buy some evil chemicals, risk myself, my cats, my grandchildren, all to find I need to get a man in ... or ...

Get a man in.

Get a man in who knows what he's doing, already has all the gear and the experience.

I did just that and a lovely chap called Jon has just been, sorted it out, talked through what to expect and how to clear it all up afterwards. Any problems, he's just a phone call away.

We had a joke about fencing and beekeeping masks when he donned the safety gear. En garde?

Prompt, friendly and for £45 he's sorted it out in my lunch break - THS: http://www.leedswaspnestremoval.co.uk

Great! Bring on the afternoon!
If you can get easy access, a 3 second puff of ant powder when it's nearly dusk and they're all tucked up in bed will kill off the whole nest. I've taken this coward's route twice with total success.
Difficult access and decking stained with Creokote. Not a great recipe for success, although a BIG fire might see them off more effectively. Nah! All done now ...

Years ago at my old father-in-law's place, they had an enormous ant colony under their back garden. Once a year, a thick column of ants would emerge from the ground and it would go on for hours! We used to hit them with flaming aerosol and watch it climb the column - huge fireball for a good few feet each go! That was fun!
I sold my golf bag on the Bay. I got more than I expected. The buyer came and picked it up and paid cash. No post office to worry about and saved the Paypal fee's too. Get in.
Finally getting the other half to agree to chucking half the crap she's been collecting in the garage for the last 10 years. Only to fill the space with flat pack furniture (only temporary though)

And, getting the flat pack furniture (kids cabin bead) for a quarter of the retail price cos it was ex-display and slightly damaged. Not sure how I'm gonna fix it though.

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